Culture And Lifestyle

All about Cyprus's rich culture and tradition

Restaurant review: Nom, Nicosia

I realised lately I miss London. Not just the hustle and bustle of a big city, the constant excitement and the myriad of choices every day in every aspect of life. I also miss the small and simple things that I started taking for granted when I decided to move to Cyprus around five years ago. One of them is brunch. Luckily, Nicosia is changing in that aspect and choices for brunch are becoming many and diverse.   Continue reading Read More

Как кипрские артефакты попали в музеи Франции

Долгое время на Кипре никак не регулировалась деятельность зарубежных археологических миссий и отдельных копателей. В результате множество предметов старины с острова оказались в коллекциях музеев по всему миру. Сегодня поговорим о том, откуда кипрские древности взялись в Лувре и нескольких музеях Франции. Лувр – один из самых крупных и древних музеев мира. Расположен в центре Парижа, на берегу Сены. Постоянная выставка насчитывает 35 000 экспонатов. Это всего 8% от всей коллекции, в которой содержатся примерно 445 000 экспонатов. Постоянные экспозиции занимают Read More

Cyprus’ largest calisthenics park unveiled at Kastella Beach

Cyprus’ largest and most comprehensive calisthenics park has been installed at Larnaca’s  Kastella Beach, it emerged on Friday. The park in a joint project between the city’s municipality and the Larnaca Tourism Board (LTB). The beach fitness apparatus – comprised exclusively of calisthenics equipment – is designed for use by both children and adults with the parallel aim of holding athletic events and competitions.   Continue reading at Read More

Семь самых ярких развлечений зимы на Кипре

Последние годы Кипр активно работает над совершенствованием туристического имиджа страны. Остров из сезонного становится круглогодичным направлением отдыха для гостей из разных уголков мира. Что страна может предложить тем, кто приезжает сюда в зимние месяцы? Издание Cyprus Mail составило список из семи вариантов зимних развлечений. Познакомьтесь с кипрскими бухтами и подводным миром   Продолжить чтение в источнике: vkcyprus   Read More

Restaurant review: Old Market, Larnaca

Old Market in Larnaca’s Old Town, a place dear to my heart, blurs the line between bar and restaurant with a finesse that inexplicably reminds me of one of my favourite places in my hometown of Verona, called La Terrazza. What is most important, despite being a bar and just like its Italian counterpart, Old Market doesn’t compromise on quality. The buttermilk fried chicken burger, in my humble opinion, might just be the best on the entire island. Cooked to Read More

Винный фестиваль побил рекорд (фото)

62-й Винный фестиваль завершился 15 октября. Мероприятие этого года превзошло все ожидания организаторов по количеству посетителей. В этом году для праздника предложили новую программу. За девять дней работы фестиваля десятки тысяч жителей и гостей города смогли приобщиться к незабываемому празднованию. Как говорится в официальном сообщении, он был проведен «на уровне, достойном репутации и традиций кипрского виноделия, истории и культуры Лимассола». Посетители могли насладиться винной продукцией высокого качества, вкусной едой и хорошей компанией. Пять таверн на открытом воздухе привлекали посетителей живой Read More

Октябрь: три фестиваля в горных деревнях

В октябре есть сразу несколько поводов съездить в горы. Три из них – чтобы посетить местные фестивали традиционных продуктов. А еще – чтобы познакомиться с деревенской жизнью и местной архитектурой. Киперунда Повод: фестиваль яблокДаты: 8-9 октябряПрограмма здесь  На карте  Киперунда расположена в горах Троодоса, на отметке примерно 1300 метров. Это третья самая высокая деревня на острове. Она известна своими крутыми улочками, традиционными домами, крытыми черепицей, виноградниками и винодельней, а также производством мясных деликатесов.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Фестиваль вина готовит сюрпризы

Муниципалитет Лимассола готовится к ежегодному фестивалю вина. В этом году он состоится в обновленном формате. Праздник будет проходить в муниципальном парке Лимассола, даты – с 7 по 15 октября. На пресс-конференции 25 сентября, в присутствии членов муниципального совета, представителей Министерства сельского хозяйства, Подминистерства туризма, производителей вина, мэр Никос Николаидис представил программу фестиваля. «Приближается 62-й фестиваль вина, обновленный и обогащенный художественной программой, великолепными концертами и множеством нововведений», – сказал Никос Николаидис. Он назвал праздник «крупнейшим народным фестивалем страны», цель которого – Read More

Новая культурная деревня к концу года

К середине декабря в селении Лемба откроется своя культурная деревня. Об этом заявил глава местного совета Фукидидис Хрисостому. Проект общим бюджетом в 4 млн евро курирует Подминистерство культуры. Создание нового пространства предполагает строительство помещений для школы изобразительных искусств, многофункциональных помещений, мастерских и выставочных залов, жилых помещений для преподавателей, студентов и художников. Цель проекта – создать «культурные легкие» запада Кипра, сказал Фукидидис Хрисостому. «Проект будет способствовать развитию художественного образования, подчеркивая богатое культурное наследие нашего региона, и продвигать Кипр как место для Read More

Restaurant review: Kritamo, Strovolos, Nicosia

Spoiler alert, you are about to read a lot of praise and virtually no criticism whatsoever. As far as I am concerned, the recently opened Kritamo in Strovolos, which replaced the old tavern Stou Kyriacou is bound to become one of the best and most popular restaurants in the capital and is already a breath of fresh air in an area that is not normally associated with fine dining, at least for me. The name Kritamo comes from the Latin Read More

Street food festival returns to Αstromeritis

A three-day food fiesta is coming up this September as the Astromeritis Youth organises the Astromeritis Street Food Festival. Three days of food, music and games await as the street party makes its comeback for 2023, inviting crowds from all over to visit the Nicosia village. The dates for this year’s food festival have been set for September 22-24 and they will include plenty of local and popular food joints cooking up delicious meals – burgers, pizzas, crepes, souvlakia and Read More

Restaurant review: O Tremythas, Simou, Paphos

With the high temperatures of summer upon us and the ever increasing humidity, we all look for an escape to cooler climes. The golden rule is to go higher, and with the repeated recommendation from friends of a taverna in the hills, we headed for the delightful village of Simou. Having repeatedly driven the road from Paphos to Latchi, I have never detoured into Simou. It is the perfect spot to break your journey for lunch or a coffee en Read More

Прячемся от жары в горных ресторанах

В августе многие киприоты любят кататься по горам Троодоса и открывать для себя новые места. Во время следующей поездки направьтесь в деревни Платрес, Ико, Тсада и Катика.  Wiz-Guide рекомендует пять малоизвестных заведений в горах, куда стоит заглянуть в уходящие дни августа.  Millomeris café Всего в минуте езды от известного водопада Милломерис находится кафе. Во дворе в тени виноградной лозы можно насладиться кофе, закусками и традиционными сладостями: карамеле, ризогало и махалепи.  Адрес: Macedonias street, Platres Millomeris Cafe Marathasa wines    Продолжить Read More

Japanese Atelier: Aphrodite Hills’ latest gastronomy offering

In addition to the eclectic selection of restaurants at its Village Square, Aphrodite Hills Resort has announced the opening of a brand-new restaurant serving Japanese signature dishes. The Japanese Atelier has been designed for those who can truly understand and appreciate authentic Japanese cuisine. The latest landmark on the Resort’s culinary landscape, it includes an extensive selection of delectable and tempting sushi rolls, in combination with the finest dishes from Japan, and is part of the variety offered by the Read More

Three beer festivals to look forward to

The summer heat and an ice-cold beer go hand in hand. Coming up soon are three beer festivals that will take fans to locations in Nicosia and Paphos. Two are returning festivals and one is brand new.   Paphos Beer Festival SeptemberFest Foam Festival   Continue reading at Read More

Restaurant review: Library Bar, Limassol

Can a venue change so much in accordance with seasonal demands that it may merit two distinct assessments? Sometimes yes, albeit the way it adapts translates to more of an experiential change for the guest and not so much the actual drinks and menu items consumed. Enter Library (no Limassol local keeps the ‘bar’ when referencing it). This particular bar has undergone a number of organic, coherent changes through the years. During the winter, it offers a cosy, minimalist environment Read More

Restaurant reivew: Oniro by the sea, Peyia

Sometimes we listen to our friends a little too much regarding restaurant recommendations and general advice. They do not always get the facts right. Indeed, this is the case when it comes to one of my old favourites, Oniro by the Sea. I have always loved going there. However, in recent years I had heard it had become expensive and in any case was impossible to get a table as they did not take reservations. Certainly, it was a long-wasted Read More

Restaurant reivew: Bar Italia, Nicosia

Over the past few years I came to realise that I have a real soft spot for family-run restaurants. Perhaps it’s a sign of my advancing old age or the perennial nostalgia of ‘the good ol’ times’, when, probably just in in my mind, everything, including food, was much simpler. Think about it. There aren’t many old-fashioned, simple and unpretentious establishments left in Cyprus if you don’t count the ubiquitous tavernas. Every new place that opens seeks the wow factor, Read More

Karmela restaurant is Limassol’s talk of the town

Karmela Restaurant is the latest talk of the town, offering a contemporary Mediterranean dining experience in Limassol that puts a unique spin on popular, well-loved classics, such as the finest Hummus, ideal for vegan, vegetarian and meat-eaters alike. The restaurant has been thoughtfully designed with minimalism in mind, featuring plenty of foliage to meld with the cityscape of Limassol.   Continue reading at Read More

«На волне культуры» в Лимассоле: программа

Муниципалитет приглашает провести вечера под летним звездным небом на берегу моря всех, кто любит музыку, театр и кино. В городе проходит II летний фестиваль «На волне культуры», организованный комитетом региональных коммуникаций и развития муниципалитета Лимассола. Фестиваль начался во вторник, 4 июля. Он продлится до 3 августа. В течение этого месяца жители Лимассола и гости города будут иметь возможность насладиться музыкальными и театральными представлениями, а также классикой мирового кинематографа. Все мероприятия будут идти в театре им. героев Христоса и Милтоса Христофору Read More

Summer fun in the city

Returning for another fun summer in the city is the beloved Nicosia festival Faneromeni23 and its range of cultural performances. In the heart of the old town, the courtyard of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation will welcome artists, performers, musicians and the public for a series of shows, screenings and artful nights. Under the title We are Tradition, the 2023 edition of the festival is about to begin and events will continue until the middle of September. All for Read More

Как в Айя-Напе отметят Катаклизмос

Муниципалитеты постепенно раскрывают программы празднования Дня Святого Духа – традиционного обряда смены сезонов. В этом году Катаклизмос отмечают на острове 5 июня, понедельник – государственный выходной. Подробнее о древней традиции Катаклизмоса можно прочитать тут. Гуляния в Айя-Напе состоятся 3-5 июня. В этом году программа Катаклизмоса включает два больших концерта, фестиваль воды, кипрские и греческие песни и танцы, конкурсы любовных песен и народной поэзии, гонки на водных мотоциклах, шоу флайбордов и многое другое.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Three Cyprus wines stand out at local contest

Three Cyprus wine took home the “big gold medal”, the highest possible award bestowed upon local wines, at the 14th annual Cyprus Wine Competition, the ministry of agriculture said on Friday. The contest finished on Thursday with a prize giving set for later on Friday. The three winners, all dry red wines, were Oroman, produced by Vlasides winery in Limassol, Marthefthiko, produced by the R&A Vasa winery in Limassol, and the Kolios Shiraz, produced by the Kolios winery in Paphos. Along Read More

The Limassol Boat Show is back

Lovers of yachts, sailing boats, motorboats, sports-fishing and water sports, rejoice! Another edition of the successful annual event Limassol Boat Show is coming to the Cypriot coast. Anything and everything about sailing boats, sea sports and equipment will be showcased at this upcoming edition that seeks to gather fanatics at Limassol Marina on May 18 to 21. Organising the event, which is the largest boat show in the Eastern Mediterranean, are Dacor Advertising & Media Ltd and Limassol Marina Ltd Read More

Фестиваль цветов в Лимассоле и Пафосе

На дворе май, а это значит, что на Кипре проходит фестиваль цветов Анфестерия. В его рамках в разных городах острова проводятся тематические красочные мероприятия. Анфестерия (или Антестерии) – древнегреческий праздник в честь бога Диониса. Характерной чертой этого фестиваля были приношения богу цветов, театральные зрелища, торжественные процессии и обильное употребление вина. В древних Афинах он длился три дня. Отмечался обычно в феврале, но на Кипре в наши дни празднуется в мае. Лимассол В Лимассоле центром празднования станет Гермассойя. 13-14 мая местные Read More

Май зовет в музеи

Грядут два важных культурных события. 13 мая пройдет Европейская ночь музеев, а 18 мая будет отмечаться Международный день музеев, его тема в этом году – «Устойчивое развитие и благополучие». Департамент древностей и Кипрский национальный комитет Международного совета музеев окажут поддержку 25 музеям по всему острову. Учреждения культуры организуют мероприятия и специальные акции, почти все они бесплатные. Тринадцать музеев в Никосии, пять в Ларнаке, три в Лимассоле, четыре в Пафосе и один в районе Фамагусты готовят свои развлекательные программы. «Цель Международного Read More

Restaurant review: Jamie Oliver Kitchen, Limassol

It was a long day and both of us were starving. Making the best of the sunny weather, after a walk along Limassol’s promenade our eyes wandered to the food options available. At the marina, we spotted a restaurant that had cute décor with a few nice plants around – Jamie Oliver Kitchen. There was a lot of fanfare about the restaurant when it opened, and now it’s become a regular staple in the area we figured it would be Read More

Invest Cyprus: Present at the 76th Cannes Film Festival

Swedish reality show The Challenge and a film production based on the 1989 Oscar-winning film Shirley Valentine are just a few of the major productions that have just wrapped in Cyprus, as the island continues to tap into its up and coming film industry. And Invest Cyprus will be present at the 76th edition of the Cannes Film Festival this month, continuing its effort to promote the local audio-visual scene to a wider audience. Cyprus Film Commissioner Lefteris S. Eleftheriou Read More

Сильные дожди сменятся жарой

За первые восемь дней мая выпало 47% от месячной нормы осадков. Об этом сообщает Метеорологическая служба. Уровень осадков за 1-8 мая составил 9,2 мм при норме 19,6 мм за месяц. За последние три дня наибольшее количество осадков выпало в Корносе (24,4 мм или 98% от нормы для этого района), за ним следует селение Гефири-тис-Панайяс (22,6 мм или 78% от нормы), район Аталассы в Никосии (20,3 мм или 92% от нормы), Полис Хрисохус (19 мм, или 142% от нормы). 8,8 мм Read More

The first Iberoamerican Film Festival nears

Spanish and Portuguese language film lovers, gather round – this festival is for you! For the very first time, the Iberoamerican Film Festival will be held in Cyprus with screenings of Iberoamerican films. Held in Nicosia for just four days in May, the festival is a collaboration between the embassies of Brazil, Cuba, Portugal and Spain as well as Instituto Cervantes de Nicosia and The Friends of the Cinema Society. Four films will offer a glimpse of Iberoamerican cinema in Read More

Unique experiences brought to you in rural villages

Sunny weather, warm temperatures and blossoming fields make spring the perfect time to go on a road trip around the island. Before the summer heat rolls in, a visit to the villages this season means enjoying the very best of the island – sans the crowds and tour buses. This April and May, several local organisations are hosting free arts and crafts workshops in villages while festivals celebrate local produce. All seasonal, local and traditional! In Tochni, the Andri Traditional Read More

Coming up at Rialto in May

Plays, music and film to take over Limassol theatre says ELENI PHILIPPOU A new series of cultural performances will take over Rialto Theatre in May, including theatrical productions, musicians from Greece and Cyprus and all sorts of artists. May’s programme begins with the play The Ugly One on May 2, presented in Greek by Enacttheatre. Four actors read the play on stage, unfolding a scalpel-sharp comedy on beauty, identity and getting ahead in life. On the following evening, a spring concert will Read More

Fork Food Market is back

Just before April ends, the island’s favourite street food fiesta will make its comeback. On April 28, Fork Food Market returns for another season of tasty events in Nicosia. Taking place on the last Friday of the month, the evening event will welcome back foodies, local vendors and DJs for a night of great bites and funky vibes. The Nicosia Municipal gardens will once again be the space to host the market with food and drink stalls setting up pop-up Read More

Pop-up market and sunset concert at Kahuna Surfhouse on Sunday

An exciting day of music, handmade creations and board sports awaits at Kahuna Surfhouse this Sunday as the Larnaca Kitesurfing and Stand-Up Paddle school organises a pop-up event; an all-day extravaganza for the whole family starting at 10am with an arts & crafts market that will feature 12 local brands and artists by the sea. Until 3pm, a selected number of Cyprus’ creatives will set up stalls at Kahuna showcasing and selling their work. “We have selected these brands for Read More

Как празднуют Пасху киприоты?

На Кипре известно немало традиций, связанных с Пасхой. Некоторым из них жители следуют до сих пор, другие остались в прошлом. Вспоминаем о них в преддверии праздничных выходных. В 2023 году Пасхальные праздники на Кипре выпадают на 14-18 апреля. Издание «Симерини» сделало подборку сохранившихся и забытых обычаев, связанных с главным христианским праздником. Самый популярный на протяжении веков – это обычай красить яйца. Этим занимаются в Великий четверг. А в пасхальную ночь такими яйцами бьются, говоря «Христос воскресе» – «Воистину воскресе» («Христос анести» Read More

What makes Cyprus a ‘Promised Land’ for British pensioners

British pensioners have listed Cyprus and Greece as amongst the favourite destinations to spend their retirement, according to a new study. Britain's high cost of living is pushing retirees to look for other countries to live in while still being able to afford the necessities of life. The study was conducted by the British insurance company REASSURED, which looked at the most popular destinations chosen by UK retirees looking to make their home somewhere else. According to the study, Cyprus Read More

Easter workshops and events at CyHerbia Botanical Park

Surrounded by green gardens and blossoming herbs, spring at CyHerbia Botanical Park & Labyrinth is charming. Adding to its appeal are Easter events this month that will entertain old and young guests, including a series of Easter Candle Workshops that will show children fun and colourful ways to make and decorate their own Easter candles. The week-long candle workshops, from April 8 to 15, will teach young visitors how to make candles using pure beeswax which they will also decorate Read More

Рыбный фестиваль возвращается

Специальное ежегодное мероприятие муниципалитета Полиса Христохуса, посвященное рыбе, состоится и в 2023 году. VIII-й рыбный фестиваль пройдет 22 апреля в живописном порту Лачи. Организаторы просят гостей приготовиться к замечательному и совершенно особенному рыбному фестивалю. Предусмотрено большое количество активностей: музыка, танцы, мастер-классы по рыболовным навыкам, развлечения для больших и маленьких и многие другие сюрпризы. И конечно же, много свежей и приготовленной рыбы и морепродуктов! Мероприятие пройдет в субботу, так что заранее планируйте выходные на конец апреля. За неделю до VIII-го рыбного Read More

Restaurant review: Platia bar restaurant, Pyla, Larnaca

It was one of those lazy days with nothing much really to do. Feeling like we didn’t want to waste any more time we got up and headed out, and somehow found ourselves in Pyla. I’ve not really explored there much so I wanted to get out and have a wander. Pyla is one of four villages located in the UN buffer zone and is famous for being one of the few villages that has a balance of both Greek Read More

Restaurant review: Mare E Monti, Paphos

When you venture into a new restaurant, it is well worth considering what makes us go through that door for the first time. Was it a personal recommendation? The location? The menu? Or the chef? In this instance, it was certainly not the location, as the Mare e Monti is on a strip of substantial concrete hotels in Paphos and not even on the ground floor. Having parked in the large car park to the side, we went up the Read More

Norwegian film evenings in Nicosia

Although independent cinema from around the globe does reach the island, it is usually part of international film festivals or seasonal theatre appearances. This month though, the CVAR-Severis Foundation brings two Norwegian films to Nicosia. Mark your calendars for Friday and March 23 to catch film screenings in a museum, and for free. The King’s Choice will be shown first on Friday at 8pm, taking audiences back to April 1940 when Norway had been invaded by Nazi Germany and the royal Read More

Restaurant review: Midi Modi, Nicosia

Of all the cuisine I’ve had the privilege to try, that of Georgia is one of the most intriguing. Somewhere between Middle Eastern and Eastern European, the Caucasian country’s traditional flavours are bold and complex, yet somehow also delicate and harmonious. Every big city in Europe is bound to feature at least one Georgian restaurant due to the country’s restless diaspora – sometimes, sadly enough, more forced than willing.   So it did not come as a surprise to find Read More

Evenings of music and poetry

In its next performance, and the last concert for March, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra invites conductor Miltos Logiades to join musicians on stage for two nights. On March 23 and 24, Logiades will conduct the orchestra in two iconic works of high art poetry, set to music by the renowned Greek composer Elias Andriopoulos. The Music and Poetry concerts happening in Limassol and Nicosia respectively will feature the poem collections Orientations by Nobel Prize-winning poet Odysseas Elytis and Odes by Read More

Recipes with Roddy Damalis

Making the best of Lent After the hedonism of the carnival it is time to fast in preparation for Easter. But that does not mean flavour has to be given up   The past ten days of carnival have been a time of merriment, excess, partying, dressing up and celebrating the fact that we took it all for granted in the past. Back after a Covid hiatus, this year there was overwhelming islandwide participation in the carnival. As a proud Read More

Кипрский карнавал-2023: программа на выходные

24 февраля – последний рабочий день перед длинными выходными. А они будут насыщенными! Карнавал в Лимассоле вступает в финальную и самую праздничную стадию. Мероприятия также пройдут в Пафосе и Паралимни. Завершение пятницы ознаменуется в Лимассоле вечеринками, в субботу жителей и гостей города ждут экскурсии, шествия, танцы и концерты, а в воскресенье пройдет гран-парад, которого не было уже два года! Как начиналась карнавальная неделя – можно посмотреть на красочных фото. Пятница 24 февраля   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Live Afro-Brazilian and Latin music this carnival season

Carnival fever is on! Limassol is getting ready for its biggest party of the year which lasts over a week and spills throughout its old town streets. Ten days of music, parades, shows and masquerade parties await as Cyprus celebrates its 2023 carnival season from Thursday until February 26. Just like every other year, a series of live music performances will add an even more festive touch, swaying to the sounds of Afro-Brazilian and Latin music. Thursday The fun begins Read More

Паралимни раскрыл программу карнавала 2023

Лимассольский карнавал по праву считается самым красочным и масштабным на Кипре. Однако это не единственное маскарадное мероприятие острова. Праздничные шествия и концерты проходят и в других городах. Карнавал в Паралимни продлится с 16 по 26 февраля. Муниципалитет предоставил программу по дням. 16 февраля На площади Агиу Георгиу состоится открытие карнавала с обширной музыкальной программой. Оно начнется в 19:00 с торжественного прибытия в город короля и королевы. В этом году королевскую чету воплощают музыкант Костас Флорендзу и хореограф Христиана Шопаха. Гостям предложат обильное Read More

New exhibitions in Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol

Nicosia, Larnaca and Limassol welcome new art exhibitions this month that feature the works of students and groups of artists. In Larnaca, Lekfara lace is back in the spotlight as the annual exhibition Lefkart V returns. Back for its fifth edition, the exhibition is the artistic outcome of the programme Lefkara Lace-A Source of Inspiration funded by the cultural services of the ministry of education. The programme aims to promote tangible cultural heritage and includes seminars on the historical development Read More

Peloponnese wine producers to hold festival in Cyprus

A large group of Peloponnese producers will return to Limassol to bring present their unique wines to Cypriot professionals and oenophiles during the latest edition of the Peloponnese Wine Festival. This celebration of Peloponnese wineries will take place at the Ceronia Hall of Carob Mill Restaurants on February 6, welcoming industry professionals and wine enthusiasts alike. Running from 12pm to 9pm, the 5th Peloponnese Wine Festival will host 26 top Greek winemakers in a walk-around tasting format and aims at Read More

Interactive Science Exhibition travels to Cyprus

A travelling exhibition that aims at making science fun and accessible will travel to Cyprus next month. Hosted at Venue City CY in Nicosia, the Interactive Science Exhibition continues its journey after being held in Milan, Dubai, and London, arriving on our shores on February 3. Blending education and fun, the exhibition opens its doors to the public, both young and old visitors, and will run for eight weeks.   More than 25 models and machines presenting different natural phenomena Read More

A jazz evening with Ermis Michael and Vasiliki Anastasiou

A jazz night is coming up at Technopolis 20 as two well-established Cypriot musicians prepare a cosy performance. Part of the Paphos venue’s Jazz Music Concert Series is this second jazz evening for 2023 taking place on January 25. Vasiliki Anastasiou on voice and Ermis Michail on guitar, a beloved duo in the local music scene, join forces once again for an intimate evening of jazz standards and swinging tunes. Their performance will include their favourite soul, jazz and pop Read More

Outdoorsy events in the mountains

Time to enjoy the Cypriot winter. With temperatures dropping and the occasional rain, Cyprus mountains and snowy hills are coming to life. Rain or shine, for those of us in Cyprus, winter is a popular season to explore the outdoors and hit the road. Layer up and enjoy one of the many mountain trails or join an event that takes you to Cyprus’ great outdoors. The 1st Kakopetria Winter Run will take place on January 29 and take participants on a Read More

United by Sound back for first event of the year

Good vibes and live music are what the Home for Cooperation will bring in the upcoming United by Sound Winter Edition. UbS for short is a peacebuilding programme of the Home for Cooperation implemented by the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research and funded by the Active Citizens Fund. In other words, it consists of live music events that bring together musicians and fans from across the divide. Kickstarting the 2023 edition is an evening at The Home on January Read More

Photographer Falak Shawwa publishes “Sofia-The last guardian of the Mozoras station”

“Sofia-The last guardian of the Mozoras station” is a recently-released book by Cyprus-based photographer Falak Shawwa whose passion is to document the experiences and journeys of different people and the richness of their cultures. The 125-page book in Greek and English with colour photographs takes us to the 1920s, high up in the Troodos Mountains and very close to Kato Amiantos village.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Рождественский пост: что нужно знать

Рождественский (Филлипов) пост длится с 28 ноября по 6 января. Двойное название поста объясняется просто: он начинается на следующий день после дня памяти апостола Филиппа, одного из 12 ближайших учеников Господа Иисуса Христа, и заканчивается в канун великого праздника Рождества Христова. Эти два дня как бы обрамляют собой 40-дневный период поста, отсюда и его название. Смысл поста Любой многодневный пост, и Рождественский в том числе, готовит нас к максимально глубокому, полноценному переживанию предстоящего праздника. Цель постящегося христианина — добиться, чтобы Read More

Live music in Limassol this week

Just before the year ends, Limassol’s bars and live music venues offer some groovy entertainment to keep the festive spirit going. More than just Christmas carols and tunes, however, the island’s musicians get out their instruments and step onto the stage to perform music of all kinds – gypsy, folk, jazz and more! The old town Limassol bar Sto Dromo is hosting a musical evening this Thursday night with Atys and the Mystic. Gypsy melodies will sound at the bar Read More

Music for all tastes this festive season

Jazz, swing, rock, chamber music – this season has it all. As bands, musical ensembles and orchestras prepare for their end-of-the-year shows, the local music scene is bursting with performances right now. Some are annual traditions, others are a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing but still, there is something for every kind of music lover this December. Coming up shortly on Friday 9, singer Alice Ayvazian with guitarist Alexis Kasinos return to Vinylio Wine Etc in Limassol for another evening of Read More

Handmade Christmas Markets…not to be missed

The ‘Handmade in Cyprus’ Christmas Markets are the Christmas markets you won’t want to miss this year! Handmade in Cyprus, the Instagram account dedicated to supporting and promoting local handmade products all year round, is hosting Christmas Markets in two cities this year giving more people the chance to shop Christmas gifts that are made locally and handmade.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Logos Hope, world’s largest floating bookfair, docked in Limassol-PHOTOS

The world’s largest floating bookfair, Logos Hope, is currently in Limassol offering over 5,000 titles. It is open to the public up until December 13. With around 60 different nationalities represented on board, the Logos Hope community is regarded as a genuine expression of international goodwill and understanding.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

The Dream on Dreamer exhibition travels to Nicosia

After a successful show in Limassol, the Dream on Dreamer exhibition presented by the Riana Raouna Gallery moves to Nicosia for four days in December. From December 8 until 11, it will be at A+ Multipurpose Event Space at 266 Ermou Street featuring work by a variety of artists. The exhibition presents contemporary paintings by 10 emerging artists from the international art scene. Botond Gagyi from Romania, Ebuka P Agudiegwu from Nigeria, Eugenia Cuellar from Spain, Henry Glover from the Read More

Boyz stuff brought together at exhibition

Motorcycles, cars, engines and motor equipment are to fill the State Fair in Nicosia on November 19 and 20 as the Boyz Stuff Show returns for its 18th edition. Calling all motoring and motorsport fans, the exhibition will spread over a 13,000m2 area this year and feature cars and unique supercars, a rally, 4x4s and much more. From 10am to 10pm on both days, the Boyz Stuff Show will present new car models and unique vehicles as well as car speakers Read More

Radisson Blu International Larnaca Marathon to take place November 20

The fifth Radisson Blu International Larnaca Marathon will take place on November 20, with its start scheduled to be at Finikoudes beach. The event is set to attract runners from up to 75 countries, with predictions estimating around 8,000 participants.   The Deputy Minister of Tourism Savvas Perdios said the annual event is a great way to enhance tourism and sport on the island.       Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

Timeless Cyprus exhibition coming to AG Leventis Gallery

Fifty years after the death of the great Cypriot artist Georgiou Polyviou Georghiou (1901-1972), the AG Leventis Gallery, in collaboration of the artist’s family, presents the temporary exhibition George Pol. Georghiou – Timeless Cyprus. Running from November 23 to February 26, the exhibition gives the public the opportunity to get acquainted with important works by the artist from private and public collections. In particular, the exhibition is enriched by works belonging to the artist’s family that were recently returned from Read More

World’s largest floating bookfair sailing to Limassol soon

Being surrounded by collections of books is a bookworm’s dream. Finding a secret or alternative library is perhaps the second-best thing for a book lover and this November, an unusual experience will sail to Limassol to entertain all ages and literature fanatics. The world’s largest floating book fair will dock at Limassol as the Logos Hope ship arrives on the island with its large selection of books. That’s right, a library of books is set up on the ship and Read More

Island-wide pop-up events not to miss this weekend

The first weekend of November arrives with a packed events agenda. Art markets, intimate performances and pop-up events will add some colour to November’s warm autumn days. Starting the weekend are a couple of art markets taking place in local coffee shops. In Limassol, Kafeneio o Tempelis collaborates with Dusty Monkey to organise the November Market on Saturday. From 11am to 6pm, some 15 local makers will set up their stalls displaying their creations and welcoming art lovers, visitors and shoppers.   Read More

Almost time for the 20th Mind, Body & Spirit festival

Celebrating life, wellness and healthy living is the annual Mind, Body & Spirit Festival which this November returns for its 20th edition. A whole two decades ago, the festival began its journey, bringing together holistic specialists, spiritual practitioners and like-minded people to indulge in seminars, workshops and experiences. On November 19 and 20, St Raphael’s Resort in Limassol will once more fill with faithful MBS Festival followers for a packed two-day agenda. Over 80 exhibitors will take part in the MBS Read More

Music evenings around the villages

A rural music project that started in 2005 made its comeback this year, bringing live music nights to various villages around Cyprus. Music in the Mountains takes local established musicians to charming and cosy rural venues to perform live and October has three events to look forward to. O Linos restaurant in Ineia is the next to host the project as music duo Vicky Anastasiou and Ermis Michail perform live on Wednesday. From 8pm onwards, Vicky on vocals and Ermis Read More

Welcoming the first of autumns markets

Arts and craft markets and pop-up bazaars are back! As we enter the autumn and winter months, the anticipated season of markets begins and before all of the annual Christmas ones return, several weekend bazaars are coming up to connect local artists with the public. Throughout October and November, numerous cafés, bars and venues open their doors to creatives and art lovers looking for gifts, home décor or self-care items. Mark your calendars for these markets because it is time Read More

Weeks of German Language opens with street festival in Nicosia

The Embassies of Austria, Germany, Switzerland and the Goethe-Institut Cyprus organise another edition of the Weeks of the German Language this autumn. Aiming at promoting multilingualism in Cyprus and contributing to the cultural exchange between Cyprus, Austria, Germany and Switzerland, several cultural events will take place for the 6th successive year. Throughout the Weeks of the German Language, from October 23 to November 28, there will be a diverse programme of happenings related to the German language and the culture Read More

Third Cyprus Cocktail Festival coming up

Party lights, street food and signature cocktails. That is what is in store on Monday as the 3rd Cyprus Cocktail Festival takes over the Nicosia Municipal Gardens. For one night only, a selection of bars from Cyprus, Italy, Greece and France will set up stations in the park and serve some of their best drinks. If you are a cocktail aficionado, this is the event for you. From 6pm onwards, 22 bars, 11 local ones and 11 from abroad, will welcome Read More

Nicosia Book Fest returns this week

It is time for the world of literature to take over Acropolis Park and fill it with books and illustrations. Returning for another year, the Nicosia Book Fest is ready to welcome bibliophiles on October 13-14 and 22-23. Originally planned as a consecutive four-day festival, the Book Fest organisers announced that due to bad weather forecasts they are moving all of the actions of the performance Stages and the Book Fair scheduled for October 15-16 to October 22-23. However, some events to Read More

More than just short films at upcoming festival

The twelfth edition of the International Short Film Festival of Cyprus is preparing to welcome the cinephile public with a rich and varied programme of screenings from October 8 to 14. Alongside its main Competition section, which will screen contemporary films, the festival will present a series of original thematic screenings and events, with the aim of promoting and enjoying the art of short films. On October 9, Words on Film will take place at the Old Vinegar House at Read More

A month full of performances at Rialto Theatre

A month full of performances is set to arrive at Rialto Theatre as October rolls in. Culture enthusiasts can enjoy theatre, dance and music acts as independent productions and festival collaborations take the Limassol stage. Coming up first is a performance that is part of the Open House Festival. Simon Senn, a visual and video artist from Geneva, will present the performance Be Arielle on October 1 all about the time he purchased the digital copy of a female body online, then Read More

Limassol Wine Festival gets underway for 61st time

Drink wine, and be merry. Limassolians seem to take this saying to heart as every September the Municipal Public Gardens is transferred into a large wine celebration. The Limassol Wine Festival is a nine-day event filled with music, dancing, art and local winemakers. This year, the 61st edition of the festival returns with tons of activities and performances from Saturday until September 25. Every evening, the Gardens will welcome local music and dance ensembles to entertain festival-goers amongst the food and Read More

Events at Leventis Gallery bring legends to life

As the season changes a new programme of activities begins at AG Leventis Gallery to bring young and old closer to art. On September 21, a new round of tours titled Mythology & Art will kick off led by assistant curator Despina Christofidou. They will focus on mythological aspects and background history of the artwork, bringing legends to life. “With the rediscovery of antiquity during the Renaissance,” says the gallery, “in particular of Greco-Roman art and Greek and Latin literature, Read More

A model of rustic Cyprus charm

In the village of Fyti, PAUL LAMBIS finds the mediaeval art of weaving is still going strong From prehistoric villages to castles and forts, there is no shortage of ancient monuments and attractions on the island. However, Cyprus’ true charm lies in the countryside, where life revolves around shaded village squares – a central force of cultural life. Overflowing with old-world romance and handsome medieval architecture, the village of Fyti, located on a hilltop in the Paphos region, is a Read More

Star chef Locatelli to present two-day ‘Made in Italy’ event at Amara

Having maintained – and recently retained – the Michelin star at London’s award-winning Locanda Locatelli restaurant for 20 consecutive years, renowned Italian Chef Giorgio Locatelli, is crafting an epicurean delight in the coming week. Keeping his rendezvous once more at the luxurious, 5-star AMARA hotel’s Ristorante Locatelli, he will orchestrate a unique, two-day ‘Made in Italy’ gastronomy event over September 8-9. As a true Italian who, above all, desires all Ristorante Locatelli’s patrons to have a good time, Chef Locatelli Read More

Classic car festival coming to Nicosia

Fans of antique cars, this festival is for you! Once a year the Cyprus Classic Car Festival prepares a packed day of fun where car and motorcycle enthusiasts finally have a place to shine. This year, the festival returns on September 11 and will feature classic treasures. Held at the Daytona Race Track in Nicosia, the event will have plenty to take in. Drivers can bring in their classic vehicles from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s while visitors Read More

The first Fork Food Market in Larnaca

The island’s favourite food market is back and in September it travels to a new city for the first time! Larnaca foodies and friends will finally have the opportunity to taste some delicious street food and welcome an event that has been satisfying taste buds in Nicosia for years. “We are tremendously excited to be returning from the summer with such big news,” say organisers. “Fork Food Market is finally making its way out of Nicosia and, more specifically, to Read More

Фестиваль Kypria возвращается

Настало время для возвращения после пандемии еще одного крупного ежегодного фестиваля с международным участием – фестиваля Kypria. 6 и 8 сентября в Никосии и Лимассоле в рамках фестиваля покажут танцевальную постановку En Crypto. Совместный кипро-греко-израильский проект станет первым в программе фестиваля Kypria-2022. Восемь исполнителей пытаются определить координаты общего сложного путешествия, чтобы «вернуться к нормальной жизни». «Все, что было скрыто внутри и снаружи нас, раскрывается на сцене. Все то, что мы отчаянно и тщетно пытались скрыть, сначала от самих себя, а Read More

September bursting with traditional festivals

The summer high continues throughout September as beach hopping and music nights stay at the top of the list of the season’s activities. Though September brings a return to work and the start of a new school year, events make a comeback after a sleepy summer break. As soon as the new month begins, a series of local festivals take place in villages and towns bursting with Cypriot tradition. Get ready for a full month of traditional festivals that celebrate Read More

Restaurant Review: The Smuggers, Limassol

While I can only speak for Limassol, I am more than certain that other cities around Cyprus experienced what I jokingly like to refer to as the great burger boom of the previous decade. I could swear that almost on a weekly basis a new burger joint would spring up in some corner of the city promising to finally be the one that truly nails one of the world’s most famous and popular comfort foods. This was especially fuelled by Read More

Beach parties music and evening cycling coming up

August always has an unusual blend of cultural events. In between public holidays, vacations and travelling come a few more live music events but also cycling trips that take participants on an evening city ride. Arriving soon is a beach party that is a blast from the past as it plays only 90s music. The Nineties Forever Theme Party Vol.2 will take over Palm Beach-Kalymnos in Limassol on Saturday and from 8pm DJs Jimmy The Destroyer and Petros Sophoclides will play Read More

Restaurant review: Spring of Life Forever, Amargeti, Paphos

Last weekend, we grabbed the opportunity to head for the cooler climes of Amargeti, just 30 minutes from Paphos. If you ignore the signs for Amargeti village, you will find the Spring of Life Forever restaurant standing proudly on the left with some vintage cars parked in the small car park. It is so much more than just a restaurant. The family runs a winery and microbrewery from this stone property and produces award-winning olive oils. Upon entering the building, Read More

Секретный фестиваль, экзотические музыкальные инструменты и торжество абстракции

Самые захватывающие события выходных 6-7 августа! Благодарим за предоставленные материалы Фейсбук-сообщество «Давайте чаще встречаться! Cyproplan: события на Кипре» и лично Ольгу Дыняк. Секретный фестиваль электронной музыки Wonderland 6 августа, суббота, 18:00 Фестиваль электронной музыки пройдет в Никосии в секретном месте.    Продолжить чтение в Read More

September at Rialto

As the island slows down and enters its official holiday month, so does Rialto Theatre. After an eventful summer with back-to-back shows going on inside the theatre and outdoors, Rialto takes a month-long break during August only to return with even more performances in September. September’s programme will ease culture buffs back into the art world with annual festivals and independent productions. The first two performances kicking off the new season are part of the Kypria International Festival which this Read More

Лимассол примет крупный спортивный турнир

С 29 по 31 июля в Лимассоле пройдет международный турнир по водному поло Beachpolistas World Tour. В программе спортивного мероприятия как игры между командами, так и соревнования для всех желающих. Турнир состоится в районе пирса старого порта, он проводится под эгидой Кипрской спортивной организации и муниципалитета Лимассола. Первый турнир Beachpolistas World Tour состоялся в 2009 году. Ежегодно игры проходят в разных странах. В 2022 году турнир уже проводили в Уругвае, Чили, Хорватии, Греции и Мексике. В состязании примут участие действующие Read More

Events to wrap up July

The summer is flying by but fear not. There is plenty of time for beach lounging, festival-going and road-tripping and several exciting events are taking place this week to bid farewell to a month full of cultural happenings. On Wednesday two local creatives will join forces for a summery pop-up shop in downtown Nicosia. Artists Paintbrushinmytea and Zarburst will bring out all of their prints, art, collages, stickers and other creations to briefly take over Bomba Picnic until Saturday. Their pop-up will Read More

The perfect Cyprus wedding venue in the heart of Ayia Napa

Over the past few years, Cyprus has been celebrated as one of Europe’s most popular wedding destinations. Whether you permanently live in the country, or are jetting over to say ‘I do’ under blue skies, the island of Aphrodite offers everything a couple could wish for. And the seaside town of Ayia Napa holds special appeal for lovebirds looking for the perfect Cyprus wedding venue. Home to some of the island’s most glamourous beachside settings, breathtakingly romantic natural sites and Read More

Salamiou to welcome Countryside Animafest Views of the World

Countryside Animafest Cyprus Views of the World begins its third decade of life this year with the 21st edition providing a thrilling official selection of films. From August 10 to 13, Salamiou village in Paphos will once more fill with film lovers, animation enthusiasts and makers. Forty one exceptionally inspiring films from 21 countries were selected in the International Competition, and will be screened under the stars in the enchanting rural setting that local and international festival audiences have come to Read More

THE GRAPE ESCAPE: wine tasting tour from Nicosia on July 20

Explore Rural Villages & Wineries with a Local – Half-Day Food & Wine Tasting Tour. A guide from our team will pick you up from the pick up point and you’ll be driven into the Troodos mountain villages to visit an award-winning boutique winery where you’ll enjoy a tour of the facility and wine tasting. A trip to a quaint village will follow where you’ll have a chance to wander the cobbled streets and take in the picturesque experience.   Read More

3-Day Music Event in Troodos on August 13-15

AgroCyprus presents a 3-day music event in the beautiful mountains of Troodos!Location: Troodos Mountains | Dolphin Restaurant – Tennis court!Dates: 13.08. 14.08 & 15.08 Music Events:Saturday: Hullabaloo Dance music event: Starting at 15:00INFO: 99917160/97902609Door Entrance: €20Presale tickets: €15 – available for a short period   Continue reading at source: Read More

Ancient Greek drama festival continues with Electra.25

A month full of extraordinary theatre productions is here as the International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama brings five performances to the island. Until August 6, theatre companies from abroad will present their contemporary and artistic approach to ancient Greek drama. Up next, is the Atalaya Theatre of Spain with two performances of Electra.25 on July Saturday and Monday. The Spanish participation in the festival is based on the two homonymous tragedies by Sophocles and Euripides. Electra.25 reconstructs the everlasting Read More

The 19th Summer Dance Festival to activate Limassol’s streets

For nine days and nights, choreographers and dancers that are based and work in Cyprus will present dance performances at public venues in Limassol town centre as part of the 19th Summer Dance Festival by Nea Kinisi. The festival will launch on Saturday, July 23 with an evening of film screenings in the parking area of EKA on Eleftherias street and until July 31, a series of free performances will take place throughout the town. In a total summery mood, Read More

An August week full of documentary screenings

This summer is set to be thriving with all of the usual festivals of the season, bringing live music, art and films to entertain on summer nights. Bouncing back from the pandemic mayhem, the annual festivals are making a comeback this summer and the agenda is filling up rather quickly. Joining the list of events is the Lemesos International Documentary Festival, which returns to the big screen for its 17th edition. This summer’s agenda includes some of the best and Read More

Restaurant review: Mayiopoula, Nicosia

I’ve said it already and I will say it again. I love witnessing the evolution of Nicosia’s culinary scene. I can’t claim to know what the capital offered over the past decades, but I have lived in the city for the last five years and seen first hand how the food landscape is changing. Along with new restaurants opening with impressive regularity, old and established ones are also elevating their menus, adapting to new trends and adopting fresh techniques while Read More

Самый громкий фестиваль страны и шоу грузовиков

ВК представляет обзор культурно-массовых мероприятий 24-25 июня. Благодарим за предоставленные материалы Фейсбук-сообщество «Давайте чаще встречаться! Cyproplan: события на Кипре» и лично Ольгу Дыняк. НИКОСИЯ Фотовыставка Себастьяна Рича «Бегство в безопасное место»24 июня 10:00 – 20:00 Посетителям покажут фотографии беженцев, просителей убежища и других вынужденных переселенцев. Они попали в объектив фотохудожника на Кипре и в других странах мира.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Deciphering the messages in mediaeval graffiti

The once common practice of marking buildings of significance provides all sorts of insights into the past A unique gift given to Pope Francis by head of the Cyprus Institute Costas Papanicolas during his visit to the Vatican in May offers fascinating new perspectives on the importance and meaning of mediaeval graffiti. The gift was an exact replica of a detail from the 14th century wall paintings in the catacomb of Saint Solomoni in Paphos, made possible by technical photography Read More

Фестиваль «Фанеромени» снова в Никосии

Серия кинопоказов, театральных, музыкальных и танцевальных представлений – программа мероприятия весьма широка и разнообразна. Фестиваль продлится с середины июня до конца сентября. Он будет проходить в Культурном фонде Bank of Cyprus, который снова станет яркой культурной площадкой города. На это лето запланировано уникальное объединение различных художественных дисциплин и артистов из разных сфер. Это поможет сделать программу привлекательной для людей разных возрастов и предпочтений.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Где заняться спортом: 8 лучших парков острова

Собрались на тренировку и ищете прохладное место? «Вестник Кипра» собрал сразу несколько лучших кипрских парков, чтобы вы могли разнообразить ваши занятия без угрозы перегреться на солнцепеке. Парк района Акрополис В столичном районе Акрополис, к северу от проспекта Аталассас, есть замечательный парк — удивительной красоты место для отдыха и спорта. Его главная особенность — естественные пещеры, благодаря которым местные жители называли этот район Сарандаспилио (то есть район сорока пещер). Пейзаж прекрасно дополняют небольшие озера и фонтанчики, а также деревянный мостик.   Read More

Roald Dahl’s Matilda coming to Nicosia

The charming and magical tale of Matilda, a young girl who loves books, is coming to Nicosia this week presented by the Cyprus Performing Arts. On for only two shows on Sunday, the adaptation of the all-time favourite musical welcomes the whole family and includes one unique element to be inclusive to all. With impressive sets, extraordinary costumes from scratch, original choreographies, brilliant staging and industry professionals performing together with the talented and highly trained Cyprus Performing Arts Children, audiences Read More

Restaurant review: Ficardo Restaurant & Garden, Paphos

By Sarah Coyne It is difficult to know what makes us go to a particular restaurant for the first time. Is it a friend’s recommendation? The outside of the property? Following a specific chef? A restaurant review or the actual menu? None of these indicate how I ended up at Ficardo Restaurant and Garden in Paphos. A friend thought it would be worth trying, as she followed it on Instagram. So I went with the flow, but what scared me Read More

Music in the city

As the summer rolls in, live music nights pop up left, right and centre. Bars, cafés and music venues around the island are welcoming musicians and as the weekend draws closer, more and more events appear to keep music lovers entertained. In Larnaca, three musicians are preparing a special tribute for one of the greatest jazz singers of the 20th century, Billie Holiday, on Wednesday. Held at the Tudor Inn Bar, Alice Ayvazian on vocals, Marios Papares on saxophone and Read More

Bringing a piece of Japan to Cyprus

A series of events to mark 60 years of diplomatic relations between Japan and Cyprus aims to lead to many more, ALIX NORMAN finds Nine thousand kilometres from Cyprus, Japan is almost the other side of the world. Instead of olive trees, there’s cherry blossom. Where the Land of the Rising Sun boasts a plethora of ancient temples (including the Kofuku-ji of Nara and Osaka’s Hokoku Shrine) we get the Sanctuary of Apollo and the Temple of Aphrodite. And, rather Read More

Festival fever holds strong through June

Summer is officially here! June arrives with a variety of festivals celebrating music, dance, films, cherries and lavender!   Kicking off the summer fun is the fourth Cyprus Accordion Festival that takes places this weekend, June 3-5, in Ayios Theodoros, Larnaca. The festival will welcome musicians, music lovers, old and young in two days filled with concerts, seminars, an accordion exhibition and workshops with musicians from abroad.   Continue reading at Read More

European Film Festival in the capital

International independent cinema is to take over the amphitheatre of Eleftheria Square this June as the European Film Festival takes place. Opening on June 7 and lasting until July 1, the festival will bring 17 films from around Europe to Nicosia. With a free entrance to the public, the festival is being organised by a number of official bodies and institutions. Firstly, it takes place within the framework of the French Presidency of the European Union and of the EU Read More

NAMMOS Limassol открывает летний сезон

Абсолютно новая точка притяжения NAMMOS World в Parklane! А Luxury Collection Resort&Spa (Лимассол) встретит лето трехдневным мероприятием, которое поднимет NAMMOS Limassol на пьедестал лучших развлекательных клубов Европы. Гостей ждут три дня, посвященных ритмичной музыке, раскрепощенным танцам, изысканным вкусам и всему остальному, что делает NAMMOS синонимом праздного образа жизни. Торжественное открытие NAMMOS Limassol начнется с крупного музыкального события. Празднование стартует в субботу, 11 июня. Гостей ждет живой концерт, на котором Антонис Ремос и "Gipsy Kings" распалят танцпол. Зажжет вечеринку Антонис Димитриадис Read More

День музеев: средневековая живопись, сказки и мотоциклы

Ассоциация туристического развития Никосии, Подминистерство туризма и муниципалитет Никосии приглашают на бесплатные экскурсии по трем столичным музеям. Так город решил отпраздновать Международный день музеев 18 мая. Бесплатно свои коллекции всем желающим покажут картинная галерея им. А.Г. Левентиса, Музей ретро-мотоциклов и Музей сказок. Цель экскурсий – познакомить местных жителей и гостей Кипра с культурным наследием страны.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Annual spring festival in Nicosia

Just before spring flies by in a flash and the scorching high temperatures take over, now is the season to enjoy the blossoming trees and flowers. Parks, nature trails and courtyards are having their moment with fragrant jasmine trees and lively bougainvillea. Celebrating spring and nature’s beauty is a pop-up event this Sunday at Enter the Gardens in Nicosia. The Happy Spring and Flower Festival is titled Anthestiria and is set to be a one-day colourful extravaganza.   Continue reading Read More

Шпион и скрипка: культурные события мая

Празднование международного Дня музеев, фестиваль камерной музыки и даже путешествие со шпионом – культурная программа второй половины мая никого не оставит равнодушным. Фестиваль камерной музыки XXI Международный фестиваль камерной музыки, организованный фондом Pharos, состоится с 24 мая по 4 июня. На трех площадках фестиваля пройдут восемь концертов с участием 15 музыкантов. Read More


В этом году после двухлетнего перерыва, вызванного пандемией, в города Кипра возвращается праздник цветов – Анфестерия. Когда он состоится, что за история за ним стоит и чего ждать от него жителям Кипра? Ларнака В Ларнаке 15 мая состоится парад украшенных цветами «колесниц» (автомобилей) и команд. Начало шествия – в 18:00. Оно пройдет по набережной вдоль проспекта Афинон.  В связи с парадом жителям и гостям города надо помнить об ограничениях дорожного движения:― проспект Афинон и примыкающие к нему улицы будут Read More

A weekend of celebrations to look forward to

The second weekend of May is looking to be another one filled with music, outdoor fiestas, celebrations and even a Eurovision screening. Kicking off the weekend fun is the last Fork Food Market of the month at the Nicosia Municipal Gardens. Once more, beloved street food vendors will gather at the Gardens on Friday, serving tasty meals while beers, cocktails and music flow. The return of the Fork Food Market after a two-year break was warmly received by foodies and Read More

Designs inspired by Cyprus’ cultural heritage

Our greatgrandparents lived in a circular economy, upcycling items of clothing, a practice a new project hopes to encourage people to replicate. ALIX NORMAN meets the people behind the island’s latest fashion initiative There are plenty of sustainable fashion ventures out there. But the Tsemberi Project is a first for the island: an undertaking that marries fashion sustainability with the rich Cypriot heritage…       Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Концерты мая: сложная гармония и мотивы судьбы

Кипрский симфонический оркестр приглашает любителей классики 5 мая на бесплатный концерт в честь своего нового дирижера – австрийца Гюнтера Нойхольда. Маэстро будет дирижировать исполнением 35 симфонии Моцарта (так называемой «Хаффнеровской») и Пятой симфонии Чайковского. Гюнтер Нойхольд в прошлом занимал разные должности: от музыкального руководителя и главного дирижера оркестра в Италии до музыкального руководителя Королевского филармонического оркестра Фландрии в Антверпене. 35 симфония Вольфганга Амадея Моцарта, написанная в 1782 году, это типичный пример поздних симфоний великого композитора с их амбициозными размерами, повышенными Read More

Exciting performances coming to Rialto

Music, dance and theatre performances continue at Rialto Theatre with even more events taking place this May. At the beginning of the month is a critically acclaimed play based on the famous novel by Thomas Korovinis, Wall of Death. On May 5 and 6, Aristos by Yiorgos Papageorgiou will bring to the stage nine characters connected to Aristidis Pagkratidis, the notorious Greek serial killer known as the Ogre of Seikh Sou. A neighbourhood friend, his mother’s chambermaid, the porter at Read More

Sounds of Cuba coming to Nicosia stage

Three nights of live music are coming to Sarah’s Jazz Club to wrap up the month in the best way the bar knows. Inviting the many musicians of the island, sounds from Cuba, retro music and freestyle improv is what’s happening next at Sarah’s. Bringing a taste of Havana, Cuba to Nicosia is the Yemaya Son band with their performance on Thursday. Cuban vocalist Pedro Son Caliente, Colombian Alex Rodriguez on the keys, Cuban Alejandro Gonzalez on percussions and Chilean Read More

The Fork Food Market is back!

Drinks in the park, street food sizzling, crowds mingling and music playing. Sound familiar? If yes, it’s because the beloved Fork Food Market returns! And it has certainly been a long while since the Municipal Gardens of Nicosia has hosted the people’s favourite street food event as since the pandemic broke out Fork Food organisers have been unable to put one together. This April and May though it returns with some of its oldest food vendors and its usual groovy Read More

The man with the greenest fingers in Cyprus

Working alone with Mother Nature, a gardener in Lapithos has made a backyard to marvel at with endemic plants providing a riot of colour. AGNIESZKA RAKOCZY has a look around Thousands of cyclamens, tulips and anemones welcome visitors to one of the island’s stand-out gardens, the collaborative creation of Mother Nature and the loving hands of Hikmet Ulucam, the well-known Turkish Cypriot graphic designer.   Located on the slopes of the Pentadaktylos, that on the day I stopped by overlooked Read More

Vintage pop-up experience coming to Nicosia

How about a walk down memory lane? A blast from the past to remember bygone eras? A pop-up experience coming to old Nicosia this Saturday is to open a door to the past and through music, clothes, high tea and a vintage atmosphere take visitors on a trip to decades long since past. All smack-bang in the centre of the city. Vintage Days is a new event by Gardens of the Future and April 9 will be the first Saturday Read More

New and ongoing exhibitions islandwide

Art exhibitions are taking place all over the island this month, some opening soon, others concluding in just a few days. On until Friday, is Glavkos Koumides’ solo exhibition at Alpha C.K. Gallery, a retrospective of paintings and sculptures selected from the artist’s diverse work from the last three decades.   Continue reading at Read More

Храм, побывавший католическим монастырем

Церковь Пресвятой Богородицы Кармиотиссы находится к северу от больницы Лимассола. Это памятник средневековой архитектуры. Изначально храм был частью монастыря монахов-кармелитов, отсюда и название: слово «кармиотисса» происходит от названия ордена кармелитов. Монастырь был основан в конце XIII века – начале XIV веков. Он относится к типу однонефной базилики с элементами готической архитектуры и заостренной крышей.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Перспективы глэмпинга на Кипре

Глэмпинг – относительно новое для Кипра явление. Одновременно с развитием этого направления формируется и нормативно-правовая база, его регулирующая. Законопроект, вносящий поправки в нормативно-правовой акт об открытии и работе гостиничных единиц и регулирующий сферу глэмпинга, начали обсуждать в Парламентском комитете по энергетике, развитию торговли, промышленности и туризма.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

7 необычных деревень возле Пафоса

О каких секретах Пафоса вы еще не знаете? Здесь затерялось семь аутентичных кипрских деревень, которые обязательно нужно увидеть своими глазами. Панайя Родная деревня первого президента Республики Кипр архиепископа Макариоса ΙΙΙ расположена примерно в 33 км к северо-востоку от Пафоса. Во времена правления франков деревня Панайя была феодальным владением, которое зафиксировано на картах как Casale Nostrae Donnae.   Продолжить чтение в источнике: vkcyprus Read More

Сиреневые луга снова на Кипре

Поля, покрытые маленькими сиреневыми цветами, впервые появились в кипрском сегменте Инстаграма весной 2018 года и сразу стали центром внимания. Ещё бы! Ведь сочетании с цветущими миндальными деревьями и зелеными склонами горы Корфи эти луга создают поистине удивительный пейзаж. Нынешней весной фотографии прекрасного природного явления снова появились в ленте популярной соцсети. Маленькие цветы, которые украшают собой луг – это яснотки (Lamium Amplexicaule). Пользователи социальных сетей, выкладывая фото, предпочитают не указывать его точной локации   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Впервые на Кипре: концерт современного греческого композитора

Сразу несколько ярких концертов ждут в нынешнем месяце любителей классической музыки и джаза. Кипрский симфонический оркестр продолжает сезон серией выступлений с участием приглашенных дирижеров, исполнителей и солистов. В конце марта состоится уже пятый по счету концерт классической музыки в рамках проекта Premiere. За дирижерским пультом – один из выдающихся современных греческих мастеров – Михалис Эконому. Под его управлением оркестр исполнит концерт для ударных и струнных композитора Вассоса Николау. Это произведение на Кипре прозвучит впервые. Солист – ведущий литаврист оркестра – Read More

Ретро-автопробег и выставка в стиле лего

Предстоящие события призваны оживить интерес посетителей к важным вехам истории и артефактам. В Никосии пройдет выставка, посвященная Дню независимости Греции, а в Като Милосе – благотворительный пробег ретро-автомобилей. История в стиле лего Необычная выставка в честь 201 юбилея начала освободительной борьбы греческого народа против турецкого господства откроется в культурном центре Bank of Cyprus в Никосии 23 марта. Герои и события тех дней будут представлены в виде фигурок из конструктора лего.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Киприоты в походах Александра Македонского

Продолжаем знакомить вас с оцифрованными архивными материалами* «Вестника Кипра». Эта статья, опубликованная в ВК № 89 от 12.04.1997 г., рассказывает об интересных страницах в истории Кипра, которые до сих пор остаются неизученными. При этом многие подобные события имеют мировое значение. Например, деяния греческого царя Александра Македонского. В частности, его легендарный поход на Восток в 304-323 годах до н. э. В нем принимали участие в том числе и выходцы с Кипра.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

Рецепты ВК: топинамбур с вином и кориандром

Корнеплод топинамбур – не самый популярный ингредиент в кулинарии. Но в кипрской кухне и ему находится достойное применение. На острове его называют «йерермасин», от турецких слов yer и elmasin, что значит «земляное яблоко». Греческое название для этого корнеплода – «портоколокасо», то есть «оранжевая колоказия». Топинамбур действительно похож по вкусу на колоказию или картошку, а внешне напоминает гигантский корень имбиря.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

A walk in nature improved

Free to play and kind to the environment, disc golf is rapidly gaining in popularity. ALIX NORMAN speaks to the professional who hopes to bring this exciting new sport to Cyprus   Continue reading at Read More

Деревня храмов, музеев и скульптур

Селение Фасула находится примерно в 7 км к северу от Лимассола. Весной деревня привлекает любителей природы цветущим миндалем. Здесь же поклонники современного искусства могут посетить музей скульптуры архитектора Филиппоса Япаниса, а фанаты истории и архитектуры - осмотреть древние и не очень древние храмы.   Продолжить чтение в Read More

An artistic journey to historic Greece

An exhibition opening in Nicosia this March welcomes works by an artist considered to be one of the most talented painters of Cyprus of the younger generation. From March 17, Argyris Konstantinou will present his new body of work through an exhibition titled Greece an Image a History. As a member of the Chamber of Fine Arts of Greece and of EKATE and having participated in numerous group and solo exhibitions in the past, Argyris is very active in the Read More

Restaurateur lives for the art of conversation

In the specialist in turning out warming soups in the north THEO PANAYIDES meets a former mechanical engineer who has moved into the late night dining scene. He now lives for reading books and talking politics Every cloud has a silver lining – and the one small upside of Covid restrictions is the way they’ve encouraged more Greek Cypriots to explore the foodie scene in the occupied north, which is less hung up on SafePasses and vaccination status. Heybe Corba Read More

An eventful last weekend in February

With February almost over, the first signs of spring are showing. The days are longer, spirits (and measures) are lifted and events are multiplying. The closer we get to the sunnier months of the year, the more the island’s cultural agenda awakens. March seems to be a month with more events and performances and just before the carnival fever breaks out (even if it is tamer this year too), the last weekend of February has a few events in store. Read More

Moscow Circus on Ice in Paphos, Limassol and Nicosia on February 25-27

Moscow Circus on Ice under the direction of Natalia Abramova is a bright, dynamic, and colorful show. It’s a unique combination of familiar circus genres, choreography, and figure skating techniques, which gives the show additional dynamics. Welcome to the Ice fairy tale! The birth of the first and the only collective in the world «Circus on Ice» was a new milestone in the history of the circus world.   Continue reading at source: Read More

More than just a walk in the park

ALIX NORMAN meets Cyprus’ professional dogwalkers – the people who have packed in high-flying corporate careers to pursue their passion for puppies “’You went to university to pick up dog poo?’ That’s what my friends always ask me!” laughs Maria Charalambous. “They can’t believe I studied so hard, spent years in marketing for a top luxury goods company, and then gave it all up to start a career that involves picking up dog waste! And yet,” she adds, Read More

Plan to protect island’s wetlands to be complete by year’s end

The code for the management and protection of wetlands in the island will be ready before the end of 2022, providing for the restoration of degraded areas and promoting research, Agriculture Minister Costas Kadis said on Tuesday. “The importance of wetlands is immense and multi-dimensional, as they are not only an irreplaceable indicator of the quality and sufficiency of a country’s groundwater, but also make a crucial contribution to ensuring food and clean water, protecting against flooding and erosion, and Read More

German artist hosts first solo show in Cyprus

A new art exhibition brings art practices and concepts from abroad. Oxytocin is the first solo show that German visual artist Felix Kiessling is hosting in Cyprus and promises to be vastly different from some of the exhibitions the local art scene is used to. From Saturday to March 15, Eins Gallery in Limassol invites art lovers to discover Kiessling’s Oxytocin. “Felix Kiessling is currently befallen by a bellyful of oxytocin,” say the exhibition organisers. “The hormone, known as the Read More

The diaspora: the hidden assets of Cyprus

From the UK to the US and from South Africa to Australia, the Cypriot diaspora continues to thrive while remaining committed to their homeland The Cypriot diaspora, which includes all the Cypriots permanently settled in more than 115 countries around the world, should be embraced as hidden assets for our country. Acting as ambassadors of Cyprus abroad, these expatriates have contributed to the economic and cultural life of our country for many decades, at the same time enriching the societies Read More

Cyprus’ hidden shrines to Christianity

Cave churches can be found across the island from Paphos to Protaras Cyprus is an island overflowing with rambling ruins, alluring landscapes and churches just about everywhere. However, there are certain churches and catacombs that are hidden so well that even the locals have little idea of their existence. Shrouded in mystery, and set away in locations often wild and rugged, these mysterious, sacred treasures are a testament to the island’s Byzantine heritage, portraying the tragic story of early Christians Read More

New book ideal for adventurers keen to go off the beaten track

In an updated book of maps ALIX NORMAN gets lost in the terrain of Cyprus and engrossed by the cultural heritage presented by a keen orienteer A year ago, Cyprus’ most avid orienteer released the ultimate book for island explorers. This month, he’s back with a second edition – an updated, expanded, all-new iteration that’s the perfect for anyone who thrills to the words ‘off the beaten track’!   It’s entitled Topographical Maps of Cyprus – but don’t let the unpretentious title Read More

Conservation and restoration works carried out in dozens of churches and mosques all over Cyprus

Conservation and restoration works are taking place or are scheduled to be carried out in dozens of churches and mosques all over Cyprus, by the bicommunal Technical Committee for Cultural Heritage while the works carried out in Salamina archaeological site that concluded by the end of November are described as a landmark project. Member of the Committee, Sotos Ktoris, told CNA that the works in Salamina lasted for eight months. He noted that conservation workers and archaeologists from both sides Read More

Cyprus Symphony Orchestra prepares for an eventful New Year

To welcome 2022, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra (CySO) has planned an exciting series of performances. In their first concert of the new year, the CySO will be joined by three French artists: maestro Patrick Gallois, harpist Anais Gaudemard and flutist Virginie Bove. The two soloists will unite their talents in Mozart’s captivating Concerto for flute, harp and orchestra while Gaudemard will also interpret Claude Debussy’s Danse sacrée et Danse profane for harp and strings. The concerts on January 19, 20 Read More

Celebrating the joy of being Cypriot

Through food and culture, a YouTube channel looks at what it means to be from the island. Eleni Philippou meets the woman behind it Christmas is a time of family and tradition, of gathering around a large table of food and devouring the season’s delights. And there are plenty of them! Though many of them do not actually originate from Cyprus, they have become part of our Christmas tradition. But how many people have stopped to think about the roots Read More

The festive feel

For the holidays it is best to go with crowd pleasing wines rather than focusing on one dish on the table When choosing wines for Christmas should we buy considering the flavours on the festive table or simply consider guest preferences? It is a tricky task, but the easiest solution is to go for crowd-pleasing wines. Less stress! The list may include sparkling, red, white and rosé wines. They all should have one thing in common, the distinctly festive feel. Read More

The sacred trees of Salamiou

Ancient trees and ancient skills live on in a very special Paphos village By Paul Lambis The village of Salamiou is a living museum that presents a rich historical and ecological past, offering an exceptional natural observatory of the Troodos region. The encompassing mountains provide a stunning backdrop for the contrasting red roofs and pale stone of the village houses, elevating this place as one of the most picturesque in the Paphos region. From cobblestone narrow streets and energetic nature Read More

Christmas walks around Nicosia

With many neighbourhoods in Nicosia revamped and decorated for Christmas, December is a great month to walk around the city and explore it. And so the wandering is not at random, Cultural Centre Phaneromenis 70 and the Deputy Ministry of Tourism are organising a series of guided tours around the capital. Eight different narratives on Nicosia through eight different walks invite the public to test how much they really know the city. And don’t worry about language barriers as there Read More

The spirit of Cyprus

Millions of years ago, the Black Smokers of Troodos gave rise to a distinctive flora. Now, they’re the inspiration behind a gin that captures the essence of Cyprus. ALIX NORMAN gives it a try Where would you find the Black Smokers? Why, in the Troodos mountains of course! But they’re probably not what you think…   Otherwise known as ophiolites, the black smokers of the Troodos mountains are age-old formations. In scientific terms, they’re a type of hydrothermal vent that Read More

Two days of fun(gi) at mushroom festival

Mushroom lovers this is for you! It is not unusual for festivals to highlight a specific fruit or vegetable, we have annual potato, pomegranate and taro festivals. Yet a festival dedicated to mushrooms is a bit more out of the ordinary, but that is what is happening at Spilia village this weekend! With so many mushroom varieties, uses and benefits, it should come as no surprise there is a festival to honour them. The Mushroom Festival 2021, or the So Read More

Events to put you in a festive mood

Believe it or not, Christmas is just around the corner! The weather might not have made its mind up but heading towards the end of November getting into a Christmas mood is now officially acceptable. And events with music and handmade crafts are already starting to welcome the Christmas period. This weekend, a Christmas Arts & Crafts Fair is being set up at Art Studio 55 in Limassol with all of the season’s usual activities. From 10am to 10pm on Read More

Walking tour looks at the transformation of Nicosia

The city is always changing. People come and go, neighbourhoods are abandoned, businesses open and close, some buildings fall, others are erected. Everything a city holds makes up a part of its culture, history and identity and as life changes and progresses, so does the city. The passing of centuries in Nicosia also meant the changing of cultural and political influences. So, how are these transformations spotted through the centuries and what is the impact of those transformations on the Read More

Time to celebrate wellness for mind, body and spirit

Our wellbeing and a strong physical and emotional core have been rather important during the past two years with the pandemic shaking up our lives. It shouldn’t of course take a global health crisis to shine the focus on wellness yet now, more than ever, its value is vital. Always an advocate for our inner and outer wellbeing, a new edition of the Mind, Body & Spirit Festival will be held this month in Limassol, with all of its usual Read More

Exhibition and lecture offer a Medieval View of Cyprus

An exhibition coming up at the Centre of Visual Arts and Research (CVAR) in Nicosia explores 15th century Cyprus through the eyes of a traveller. Titled The Grünenberg Experience: A Medieval view of Cyprus, the exhibition looks at the German 15th century traveller Konrad Grünenberg’s visit to Cyprus in 1486. In collaboration with the Baden State Library in Karlsruhe, and with the sponsorship of the German Embassy and support from the Gotha Research Centre of the University of Erfurt, CVAR will Read More

Urban Sustainability: Together for Our Cities!

AKTI Project and Research Centre, in collaboration with the British High Commission, and in partnership with KAYAD, is launching the urban sustainability project titled Together for Our Cities. The project aims to contribute to efforts to build a resilient future for Cypriot cities. The impact of the climate crisis on Cyprus’ cities is significant. The need to build urban resilience is imperative. This need extends to all edges of the island, therefore bicommunal cooperation is vital to the success of Read More

Cyprus meets Finland in upcoming concert

Musicians from Finland and Cyprus will meet on stage next week as the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra welcomes two distinguished and dynamic musicians from abroad. Petros Gospodinov, the former principal cellist of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and now the solo cellist at Finland’s Kuopio Symphony Orchestra, as well as maestro Tomas Djupsjöbacka, Chief Conductor of the Vaasa City Orchestra will join Cyprus musicians for the Premiere 2 concerts on November 4 in Nicosia and November 5 in Paphos.   Continue reading Read More

Three small festivals not to miss

The events just keep rolling in as October is proving to be one of the busiest months so far! Three small-scale festivals are coming up, entertaining antique car lovers, beer enthusiasts and those seeking to disconnect and connect in the woods. The Autumn Mini Festival within the Moniatis forest at the Nature and Spirit venue will kick off this Saturday and will include a market filled with local produce, artists’ creations and all sorts of handcrafted goods. From 10am until late at Read More

Larnaca Biennale kicks off this week

The time has come for Larnaca Biennale to return. This week exhibitions, installations, presentations and parallel events on the theme of Limitless Limits will begin around the town as the international showcase opens on Wednesday. While the grand opening takes place at the Larnaca Municipal Gallery, the other two official exhibition spots, the Pierides Museum and the Multi-Space of Art and Creativity, will be also open at the same time and until the Biennale concludes on November 26, several events will take Read More

The biggest celebration of coffee in Cyprus

Coffee. Don’t we love to love it? It’s your morning energy cup, the fuel of the day but in Cyprus, the coffee culture goes way beyond just being a wake-up beverage. Coffee is a ritual, whether you make it traditionally in a pot on the stove or grab it from one of the many speciality coffee shops around town. Moving on from the frappe craze and starting to appreciate coffee bean varieties and blends, the coffee culture on the island Read More

More Than Mavro: What’s Your Favourite Cypriot Wine?

By Lucie Robson This weekend, the Limassol Wine Festival returns to the vibrant coastal city following last year’s Covid-19 hiatus. The 2021 event, which takes place in the Limassol Municipal Gardens between October 9th and 16th, marks the 60th-anniversary milestone of a festival that puts large and small Cypriot wine producers centre stage across a week of tasting, lectures, and entertainment.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Legendary Pyx Lax performs in Nicosia on Friday, October 8

The legendary Greek rock band Pyx Lax (Πυξ Λαξ) comes to Cyprus for one and only concert in Nicosia to remind what connects us (Τι είναι αυτό που μας ενώνει) and make us sing with them their most iconic hits. Originally formed in 1989, Pyx Lax released their first recording in 1990, and had a critical and commercial success in the Greek music industry for more that two decades. They are considered as the most successful, commercially, group in the Read More

New exhibition invites viewers to see through the artist's eyes

New colourful art is coming to town as Natasa Socratous Epaminonda presents her latest solo exhibition titled See Through my Eyes. Opening at Nicosia’s isnotgallery on October 9, the exhibition will remain open until the end of the month, October 27. The series See Through my Eyes, curated by Andros Efstathiou, uses colour as a means to explore how emotions – both the artist’s and viewer’s – can be shaped and altered, as well as how the choice of colour Read More

Paralimni mayor says finds indicate possibility of Aphrodite's sanctuary

Excavations near a chapel in Protaras have brought to light archaeological finds that may indicate ruins of a sanctuary of Aphrodite, according to Paralimni Mayor Theodoros Pyrillis. These are being reviewed by the department of antiquities and if confirmed would indicate that Paralimni’s history dates to pre-Christian times, he said. In a post on Facebook, Pyrillis said that the excavations in the Panayiotissa chapel area revealed important archaeological finds which are being examined by the antiquities department.       Read More

Conservation of traditional stone buildings in Cyprus

In his autobiographical book, Bitter Lemons of Cyprus, British writer Lawrence Durrell takes the time to meditate about the beauty of the island and how the landscape and architecture were shaped over millennia of invasions and cohabitation with the conquerors. He reflects on the possibility of Cyprus becoming a too familiar place too soon due to its condition of an island but admits that it remains a paradisiac place even for the locals who are aware of the picturesque of their island and Read More

Wine festival going ahead with restrictions

The Limassol Wine Festival will celebrate its 60th anniversary this year, in October, after being cancelled in 2020 due to the pandemic. There will however be some modifications to ensure all health protocols are followed.   The Limassol municipality announced on Friday that the 60th Wine Festival will take place between October 9 and 16 at the municipal garden.       Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Cycling tour explores intercultural Nicosia

A new tour in English by the Home for Cooperation on Friday will take participants on a bike ride to explore intercultural Nicosia’s history and underlying diversity. The tour will set off from the Home at 6pm and will cut through Nicosia to understand the city through an intercultural lens. Along with animator Marios Antoniou, tour-goers will leisurely ride through the walled city of Nicosia and as the tour attempts to give voice to the silent narrators of the city Read More

Get a taste of traditional Cyprus this month

Typically, after the hustle and bustle of the summer’s loud, vibrant festivals, September brings a variety of local, more traditional festivals. Celebrating local produce, music and handicrafts, September’s festivals are usually organised by folklore organisations and municipalities. Coming up on September 6 is the 9th Annual Carob Festival, taking place at Saint George’s Church in Peyia. Live music, traditional Cypriot fayre and a variety of carob sweets will be part of the one-day fiesta. Expect an evening with musical performances and Read More

Axiothea Cultural Festival resumes

Cultural evenings at Axiothea Mansion return this week as the University of Cyprus’ Axiothea Cultural Festival resumes. The 24th cultural festival completed a full June and July programme with high-quality performances of theatre, music and cinema and many more are about to take place! This year’s festival pays tribute to numerous important occasions. The 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution is of course one of them as is the 700 years since Dante’s death. For this, Axiothea is participating in a broader Read More

7 out of 10 Cypriots satisfied with quality of life

A study by the European statistical service (Eurostat) has shown that 71 per cent of Cypriots have a generally favourable view of the quality of life in Cyprus. The study takes into account a number of aspects to reach the wide-ranging life satisfaction category, including housing, employment, education, health, safety, governance, as well as environmental matters.   “The mix of statistical indicators with objective information such as income, housing conditions and work situations together with subjective evaluations results in differing levels of Read More

Must-visit wineries of Cyprus. Part III. Tsiakkas

The Tsiakkas Winery was founded in 1988 and is located in Pelendri, in Pitsilia region of Limassol district. Its vineyards are in the same area. The cold winters and the cool without rain summers coupled with the poor volcanic soils, help to have vineyards with low yield per hectare which is necessary for producing quality grapes.   Continue reading at source: Read More

Festival defies the virus gloom

Kypria International Festival 2021 returns dedicated to its founder, the later education minister Claire Angelidou   “The arts are an inexhaustible wellspring that makes the world a better place,” says Andy Bargilly, the artistic director of Kypria International Festival. “They develop empathy, they raise our levels of aesthetic perception in all its manifestations and make us better people. In difficult times, the importance and necessity of the arts becomes even greater.” And that, he says, is why the Kypria Read More

Explore rural Cyprus & wineries with a local – Thursday tours

Explore Cyprus Villages & Wineries with a Local – Full Day including Meze Lunch & Wine Tasting A guide from the team will pick you up from the pick up point and you’ll be driven around the Troodos mountain villages to visit carefully selected wineries stopping for lunch to feast on a selection of Cypriot dishes and enjoy a full meze spread. You will visit 4 family-owned wineries, learn about the wine-making process and Cypriot indigenous grape varieties with 20+ Read More

Larnaca: the town where inspiration begins

Larnaka: the Anthology provides a view of a multi-cultural town on the rise Let’s generalise a little, shall we? If you were a first-time visitor to Cyprus, you’d probably know Nicosia as the divided capital, Limassol as a business hub, and Paphos as the birthplace of Aphrodite. But Larnaca? Isn’t that just where the planes land? Not at all, according to Oroklini resident Annetta Benzar. “Larnaca is the place for creatives,” she explains, “a town that’s fast becoming the home of Read More

Cyprus, Greece and Italy plan to promote St Paul cultural route

Paphos aims to form part of a certified religious route for travellers dedicated to ‘the footsteps of Saint Paul’, as part of a European programme which will also include areas in Greece and Italy. The Paphos tourism board announced earlier this week it had submitted to the Council of Europe an application to certify and register the cultural and religious route that will be called “In the footsteps of St Paul, Apostle of the Nations”.   The aim of the Read More

How to visit Ayia Napa’s mythical underwater museum

By Nick Theodoulou   Jason deCaires Taylor’s underwater sculptures have enthralled and captured the imagination of Cyprus and its visitors, further marking Ayia Napa on the map and setting out a powerful message – but many are wondering how exactly to access the museum.   His 93 sculptures, which range from figurative statues to trees (some in the style of large oaks) and hybrid works, were inaugurated on July 31 with  the official opening of the Museum of Underwater Sculptures Ayia Read More

Phaneromeni21 Arts Festival brings art and music all summer long

The courtyard of the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation has re-opened its gates this summer for another edition of the Phaneromeni arts festival. Live music, dance and theatre performances as well open-air film screenings are part of the agenda all summer long. Bringing together several forms of art, the festival will travel from the past to the present day with events suitable for all ages. Next on the agenda are two outdoor film screenings. Coming up on August 5, the Read More

Workshop recreates ancient cooking pots from Cyprus and the Mediterranean

They say it can be meditative to work with clay and many handicraft processes possess a relaxing quality to them. The repetitive act calms the mind and soothes the nervous system and when it comes to ceramic art, moulding the clay by hand is said to be a rather comforting practice. Perhaps it is one of the reasons why people have been so drawn to learning ceramic and pottery art and it seems that the interest is still high. As Read More

Cyprus to create Christmas Village with huge market — Deputy minister for Tourism

This winter, for the first time ever, Cyprus is going to create a Christmas Village, Deputy Minister for Tourism Savvas Perdios told the Cyprus Mail in an interview on Monday. “The village of Agros, in the Pitsilia region of the Troödos Mountains will be completely converted into a a Christmas Village and Christmas Market, along the lines of what people find in destinations like Vienna, Budapest etc.   The village will open in the last week of November and close Read More

Enjoy a holistic summer break in August

August is the month of holidays. Some escape to the mountains, others to the beach, some travel abroad and some avoid the crowds by staying put. For those staying on the island at the beginning of August, Soul Space is organising a Holistic Summer Break in Kampia village to soothe mind, body and soul. The revitalising retreat on August 4 to 11 will take place at the beautiful mountain resort of Angel’s Hills Mountain Resort in which goers can enjoy Read More

New site in Larnaca focuses on tradition

Tradition is in right now. Traditional elements and techniques show up in fashion, cost-free programmes invite the public to learn local art and now one more centre has been established to promote the island’s handicrafts. The Folk Creativity Centre, part of the Culture and Creativity Multispace in Larnaca, opened its doors on Monday, with the co-operation of the Cyprus Handicraft Centre, the Municipalities of Lefkara, Athienou, Livadia and ceramics workshops.       Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Why Cyprus Is Probably The Best Place To Live As A Digital Nomad

Until the end of 2019, the digital nomad idea was considered as some kind of hippie movement, but then the pandemic started and we made a leap 10 years into the future. Plenty of professionals worldwide now have to work from home, although home can actually be anywhere. Digital Nomads are those who can travel and at the same time work remotely without fixed professional headquarters, taking advantage of the possibilities of the internet. They are people who choose to Read More

Kalopanagiotis Village: walk, explore, relax and be happy

Located in the Troodos mountain range, in the Marathasa Valley area of the Lefkosia (Nicosia) district, the village of Kalopanagiotis is one of the most beautiful resorts on the island with its sulphur springs, traditional architecture and panoramic valley views, and is ideal for agrotourism in its peaceful surroundings.   Continue reading at source: Read More

New exhibition takes a look at Amathus

Twenty seven oil on canvas paintings make up Andreas Efesopoulos’ new exhibition at Gloria Gallery which opens on Wednesday. The works, created by the artist from 1994 to 2020, have already been presented at the Municipal Arts Center of Limassol – Papadaki Warehouses and are scheduled to be displayed also in the municipal spaces of other cities of Cyprus. After the end of this tour, the works will be part of the collection of the Municipal Gallery of Limassol, as Read More

Films under the sky at Nicosia Mall

The season of outdoor film screenings is here! More and more venues are hosting summer cinema evenings inviting cinephiles, families and others to watch local and international movies with a refreshing drink in hand, under the night sky. Now the Nicosia Mall is joining in on the fun. From July 1, the Open Air Plaza of Nicosia Mall collaborates with Rio Premier Cinemas to bring film screenings under the stars! New international films, children’s favourites and anticipated premieres are on Read More

Greek stars to perform in Cyprus this July

Bars are open, events are happening, concerts are taking place, and it almost feels like an ordinary summer. Here to offer more carefree summer vibes and entertainment, several Greek musicians and singers are touring the island this summer with concerts throughout July. First up is a single performance by Miltos Paschalides at Limassol’s Municipal Gardens on July 5. Following a sold-out performance in Athens, Miltos and his crew will host a vibrant night full of lively music performing some of Read More

Lace: Europe’s common cultural heritage

Lace-making is something that unites the countries of Europe says the woman behind an exhibition on the craft now on in Lefkara. ALIX NORMAN finds out more If you were to hold a Ferrari show, you’d do it in Italy, right? A gathering of watch aficionados would probably be best in Switzerland. And a convention of chocolate lovers – well, Belgium is the obvious choice. So it makes total sense that a newly-launched exhibition of European lace should be held Read More

Cyprus Postal Museum: the hidden gem of the downtown Nicosia

Located within the walled city of Lefkosia (Nicosia), the Cyprus Postal Museum is housed on the ground floor of an old two-storey mansion. It was founded in 1981 to exhibit the rich and diverse material of the island’s postal history, which started from the 15th century, when postal communications to-and-from Cyprus were organised for the first time during the Venetian period.   Continue reading at source: Read More

Re-imagining the sounds of Medieval Cyprus

In the framework of the European music project Awakening Sleeping Instruments, a Medieval music concert titled Αwakening: Re-imagining the sounds of Medieval Cyprus will be held on June 4. The concert will consist of poetry set to original compositions. “Particularly,” explain its creators, “we draw verse, form and inspiration from Rhymes of Love, a beautiful collection of Cypriot poetry in the prevailing style of Petrarchism. We set this material to original music in the styles widely used and popular at Read More

City walks with urban details

Under the ongoing cultural/anthropological programme Urban Details, the Cultural and Research Foundation Phaneromenis 70 organises a new series of city tours. This coming Saturday a new sunset walking tour will take place starting at 6.15pm to explore the urban details and the people of Nicosia, looking at the city in new light.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Fledgling Explore Pafos platform welcomed by both locals and foreigners

The fledgling Explore Pafos platform which is a digital tour guide featuring multimedia information of the coastal district’s major landmarks has been welcomed by both locals and foreigners, Philenews reports. “Strong interest has been expressed by both locals and foreign visitors with downloads recorded in great numbers,” it added citing the platform’s administrators.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Live music returns to Limassol

The hospitality world re-opens, the SMS scheme ends hopefully for good this time, and live music returns to the local entertainment scene. Though there are still uncertainties to navigate, good things are on the horizon and at the quaint Limassol venue Mason Bar one local band will bring groovy, Latin tunes this week.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Ayia Napa’s underwater museum to open in mid-July

Ayia Napa’s first underwater museum in the Mediterranean will be ready to welcome visitors by mid-July, Philenews reported on Tuesday. The initial plan was for its completion to take place last April but the coronavirus pandemic and restrictive measures that followed postponed its opening till this summer.   Continue reaing at source: Read More

Natural trails of Cyprus. Part X. Adonis, Akamas Forest

This trail offers beautiful views of Polis Chrysochous, the Pafos (Paphos) Forest and the Akamas peninsula. The path runs past Pyrgos tis Rigainas (Queen’s Tower) and connects with the Smigies trail at Kefalovrysia (where there is a fountain of non­ potable water), and with the Afroditi trail at Pyrgos tis Rigainas.   Continue reading at souce: Read More

Amara: Own the horizon

Experience unique five star luxury alongside Cyprus’ rich history Named after the ancient Greek word ‘amarandos’, which means ‘everlasting’, the AMARA is an ultra-deluxe, five-star sanctuary, aptly located near the ancient Kingdom of Amathus and inherently steeped in the status and prestige of this renowned archaeological site. Poised above a 250m bay of sand and azure waters, the AMARA offers a host of thoughtfully curated amenities, including a luxurious spa, indulgent restaurants spearheaded by renowned chefs, a chic rooftop bar, Read More

Cyprus manages to rise by 10 places in 2021 World Happiness Report despite Covid

The coronavirus brought a year of fear, anxiety and lockdown yet Cyprus managed to rise by 10 places in the annual 2021 World Happiness Report produced by the U.N Sustainable Development Solutions Network. Cyprus ranked 39th last year from 49th in 2019 in the report which ranks 149 countries based on gross domestic product per person, healthy life expectancy and the opinions of residents.   Continue reading at source: Read More

New environmental movement sweeping island

Save Your Hood is seeking to overcome years of neglect and clean up Cyprus By Melina Alexandrou The shift towards greater awareness about environmental change, the overfishing of our oceans and industrial farming, has started to take hold as we wake up to the fact that if we don’t act soon the planet could be set on a course of irreversible damage. This global shift in responsiveness can be seen in Cyprus too via numerous environmental NGOs. A new movement Read More

Lush art in difficult times

The past year has had its fair share of difficult times. It’s affected everyone we know and don’t know. Business owners, employees, artists… Fitting to the times, an exhibition called Lush Art in Difficult Times is set to open on April 17. The 13th edition of the art exhibition series is coming up at Isnotgallery in Nicosia, featuring 20 artists of varied practices. The series was inaugurated in 2008 under the title Cheap Art, which aimed at caustically commenting on the Read More

A whole year of events celebrating 200 years since the Greek Revolution

This March 25 marked 200 years since the Greek revolution of 1821 and to celebrate the Cultural Foundation of the Bank of Cyprus has organised a series of events which will last a whole year! Exhibitions, lectures, music, tours, educational programmes and more are on the agenda. An upcoming event to note is an exhibition highlighting an important figure of the 1821 revolution, writer Rigas Feraios.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Larnaca Festival of Classical Music to be staged in April

With the cultural scene slowly coming alive, a varied programme of events is building up, with an upcoming festival set to bring classical melodies to Larnaca. Concerts as part of the Larnaca Festival of Classical Music will take place at G. Lycourgos Theatre throughout April. The festival kicks off on April 2 with a chamber music concert by members of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra. The Wind Quintet will perform pieces by J Ibert, Arnold P Hindemith and C Debussy. This Read More

The beauty of nature

For one local photographer, what can be seen in the great outdoors makes life worth living, although he fears the change inflicted on it by hordes of visitors   With increasing exposure on social media, a local nature photographer says he wants to show off the unique beauty of the island but chooses to keep his favourite locations secret to preserve them from human activities. “Nature is the only thing that makes living in this world worth it. And Cyprus Read More

Searching for the treasure of Ptolemy

A series of steps that currently lead to nowhere have excited the imagination of people living nearby although treasure of legend has not been found there. But what has been uncovered is an ancient water management system By Antigoni Pitta   In the summer of 1949 a farmer was watering his artichoke plants on the outskirts of Tseri when he noticed that something odd happening. As he was watering, the water kept disappearing into the ground, sucked up by the Read More

Pandemic fallout affects rehoming of dogs abroad

A lack of flights out of Cyprus due to the pandemic is having a huge impact on the ability of Paws dog shelter in Paphos to re-home dogs abroad, something it relies on to find the canines good homes and free up space to take more off the streets. “As we re-home so many of our dogs and puppies to Germany and other countries, we have been facing huge difficulties as flights with are flight partners are just not coming Read More

The wine of kings on Airbnb

The beginning of the new year finds us once again at home. This time around we know more about how to stay entertained and sane while staying in, right? We’ve found the TV shows to binge on, the scenic walks to go on and the banana bread recipes we won’t be baking this time. Zoom catch-ups, Kahoot dinner games and virtual birthday celebrations have returned. How much more online fun we can endure is questionable, yet almost a year into Read More

What to drink with Christmas turkey

By George Kassianos Christmas is full of traditions, most specifically eating turkey on Christmas day. You may already have your own favourite wine pairing for turkey but if you are looking for something different, try one of the following. It is easy to partner turkey when roasted and served on its own. You may say there is a straightforward partner. None of us, though, eats turkey solo. There is herb-filled stuffing, roast veggies, rich sauces and an assortment of savoury Read More

Popular Christmas market goes virtual

What’s happening to this year’s Christmas markets? Most have been cancelled as strict government measures don’t leave much legroom for mulled wine evenings and gift browsing and one big annual market in Larnaca that many were looking forward to has also had to hang up its hat for this year. However, the Traditional Christmas Market has found a new way to go ahead – online!   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

A Christmas Carol, a seasonal burlesque

Everyone is getting into the festive spirit as in common with countries around the world, it sometimes feels like it is all we have left to make us feel jolly. One thing that many look forward to during this time of the year are Christmas plays, ballets and shows. Classics such as The Nutcracker and the Little Match Girl usually pop up at local theatres, yet this year, with everything going on and Covid-19 measures in place, the Christmas period Read More

Local film shows island backdrop can be made to resemble variety of places

The first Hollywood film shot completely on the island gets its release this coming week in America and Canada. Kyriacos Nicolaou asks those involved in its production if Cyprus will be recognisable Cyprus’ first Hollywood film – Jiu Jitsu, directed by Dimitri Logothetis – will this week be screened for the first time in America, although we have to wait a while in Cyprus to enjoy the fruits of the biggest movie project the island has ever engaged in. Being shot Read More

A Christmas market to look forward to

An all-time favourite of the festive season are the Christmas markets where dozens of artists and creatives gather to share their craft and spread some holiday cheer. All while shopping for your Christmas gifts and supporting small, local businesses, many of whom usually thrive during this time of the year. Yet with the increasing Covid-19 measures, many of the popular December events have been cancelled. One that stands out is the market in Dhekelia, which this year moves along the Read More

Nineteen historical monuments set to be renovated by end of year

Restoration works on a total of 19 historical monuments and sites in Cyprus are set to be completed before the end of 2020 according to the Greek Cypriot head of the bicommunal technical committee for cultural heritage Takis Hadjidemetriou. Among the most significant cultural landmarks set to be renovated are some sections of the Venetian walls of Nicosia that have been collapsing in recent years, the Archangel Michael church in Yialousa, the Ayios Sergios and Bacchus church near the Salamis Read More

A day with the lacemakers of Lefkara

A Lefkara lacemaking workshop for beginners brings together history, artistry and a satisfying sense of community and achievement, Annette Chrysostomou discovered Traditional lace making in Lekfara will never be what it once was, but that does not mean it’s dying. An event I attended last week convinced me there is a future for this ancient craft, albeit very different from the traditional goal in the past of master lacemakers from the village competing with each other to sell their wares Read More

Festival celebrates what is new in music

More live music is coming to Nicosia in November as the countdown gets underway to welcome the Cyprus New Music Festival on November 19 to 22. An initiative by the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education, the Centre for Cypriot Composers and the Cyprus Music Information Centre, the festival dedicated to contemporary music will be held at the medieval Kasteliotissa Hall in Nicosia. The festival kicks off on Thursday, November 19 with a piano recital by Christos Fountos, presenting Read More

Eggs to online variety: October’s art exhibitions

Months after the lockdown is over, the art world is still trying to stay alive, one event at a time. With talks of a second lockdown looming, the local cultural scene is keeping going, with several art exhibitions this month featuring the work of local and international artists. Visual Space, an independent curatorial platform, has launched its Autumn exhibition showcasing the artwork of 27 artists who submitted their work through an online open call. Open until November 4, it is Read More

Gruelling cycle ride to raise funds for the environment

Two young cycling enthusiasts will ride their bikes across Cyprus to raise money for a local environmental NGO. Based in Limassol, Tour de Cy will cover approximately 550 kilometres in five days. All donations to the fundraising campaign will be given to local environmental NGO Terra Cypria. “It’s a bit crazy, we have never done anything like this before,” said the two lifelong friends Cambise Heron and Christinos Tsialas, both 25.       Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Cyprus culture and finance: UK ‘Cypriots in the City’ bring them together

“Cypriots in the City,” (, a platform that aims to bring together Cypriots and Cypriots in the UK who work in (or study) in the areas of finance, law, accounting, consulting and wider financial services has launched on Saturday. “Our objectives,” says Cypriot Phanos Theophanous, a banker in London who is one of the founders of the platform, “are to create a network of Cypriots who work in the City so that we can share know-how, mentor young people as well as those who are Read More

Honey farm hopes for the sweet taste of success

State-of-the-art apiary ‘Oros Macheras’, the first honey farm in Cyprus open to the public, has recently been officially inaugurated. “It is the first apiary that people can visit and learn about the honey and the bees. Our goal is to educate people in protecting the bees as this is vital to our existence,” general manager of the bee farm Menelaos Philippou told the Sunday Mail. The apiary is part of the beekeeping villages of the Larnaca district and is located Read More

Cyprus wines shine bright at major World Wine Awards

Cyprus wines have proven their worth at the Decanter World Wine Awards (DWWA) held in London in August. Results were announced in late September. The Mediterrnean island chalked up 22 Silver and 33 Bronze Medal winners across Paphos, Limassol, Larnaca, Nicosia and Akamas-Laona wine regions at the prestigious wine industry awards.   Continue reading at source: Read More

Brexit has energized the Cypriot diaspora in the UK

“Brexit has brought about a huge awakening of the Diaspora in the UK,” Christos Karaolis, who has been President of the National Federation of Cypriots in the UK since 2015, told the Cyprus Mail in an interview. In September, the Federation, along with Member Associations,   established the UK Cypriot Professionals Network to provide mentoring, CV reviews, networking opportunities and other helpful resources, for Cypriot professionals in the UK, of levels and across multiple industries.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Larnaca shows off its underwater treasures in new video

The Larnaca tourism board made a move to promote diving tourism on Wednesday, presenting shipwrecks at the bottom of the sea in a newly-released video. According to the board’s monthly newsletter, people, and not only lovers of diving tourism are invited to “immerse themselves” in the fascinating world of living marine life located in the area of ​​Larnaca through the new video clip.     Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Limassol offers 3D cultural attractions

Six Limassol cultural attractions are accessible for 3D virtual tours as part of the municipality’s drive to capitalise on modern technology to offer residents and visitors a better service. The service is available for the Pattichion Historical Archives and Studies Centre, the Pattichion Municipal Theatre, the Municipal University Library, the Panos Solomonides Municipal Cultural Centre and Theatrical Museum, the Folk Art Museum and the Limassol Municipal Arts Centre – Papadakis Warehouses.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Cyprus film industry gets cameras rolling again

The Cyprus film industry has the cameras rolling again, after a challenging period during lockdown. Adaptation to the new social distancing and hygiene measure has not been easy, Dionysios Manganis, executive producer at the Nicosia-based Green Olive Films told the Cyprus Mail in an interview. As of June, Green Olive Films, which is a full-service production company, has restarted productions and completed several local projects on the island. “Thanks to our proactive planning, we were fully prepared to get the Read More

Limassol municipality launches mobile app for all local services

Limassol municipality on Wednesday unveiled an app that aspires to give residents access to all its services through their mobile telephones. It also announced that it was introducing a park and ride programme in cooperation with the Limassol bus company, starting next week. Speaking at a press conference, Limassol mayor Nicos Nicolaides said the app ‘Dimotis Lemesou’ would upgrade quality in the daily operation of the municipality.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Autumn fine arts sale

Cypria is organising another Fine Arts Sale, to be held on the evening of September 15 on the Roof Terrace of the Costas and Rita Severis Visual Arts Center in Nicosia. “Our primary concern is the protection of the public and this is why we preferred the auction to take place in the early autumn and the open space of the wonderful Roof Terrace of the Severis Center,” said Managing Director of Cypria Ritsa Kyriacou.   Continue reading at source: Read More

Cypriots ‘disover’ magnificent sunsets at Peyia’s Edro III shipwreck

Cypriots this summer seem to have also ‘discovered’ the magnificent sunsets at Peyia’s Sea Caves where Edro III shipwreck is disabled and visits there are in abundance, Philenews reports. Paphos district authorities said crowds gather at the specific spot just before sunset with locals far outnumbering tourists – unlike the trend of previous years.   Continue reading at source: Read More

Embassy of Italy supports Nicosia’s cultural scene

Colourful food, hand gestures, expressive faces… the similarities between Italians and Cypriots are plenty. There is even an Italian dialect in the small town of Calimera in Salento which is based on many Greek-Cypriot words. But digging into that would require a separate article. Another important element the two countries share is the love for culture, be it music, theatre or song and the Embassy of Italy is often involved in cultural events taking place. In September, it’s supporting three Read More

Cyprus yesterday and today

A new Paphos exhibition titled Cyprus Yesterday and Today enters a retrospective journey, looking back into the world and Cyprus through landmarks that have defined and continue to define a turbulent course full of expectations, disappointments, missed opportunities and the hope for something better.   Continue reading at source: Cyprus Read More

Insider’s Guide: The best Travel and Gastronomy Guide of Cyprus

A luxurious bilingual publication of 240 pages, in Greek and English, with all necessary information and data to discover this beautiful and historically rich country. Due to the Insider’s Guide specialisation of the people behind it – unprecedented for Cyprus – the Guide presents and proposes the best restaurants in Cyprus in addition to travel information. The proposed restaurants are locally reviewed and rated on a yearly basis. In other words, Insider’s Guide is the only Gastronomy Guide in circulation Read More

A musical weekend in Paphos

Blues, rock, acoustic music and more will sound next weekend in Paphos as bands and musical ensembles perform around the region’s bars and pubs. Multi-award-winning band The Cover Up will head to Darcy’s Restaurant & Lounge in Peyia on July 31 to deliver a huge repertoire covering the very best from the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and the 00s. These musicians have played with Sinead O’Connor, Stevie Winwood, Bruce Willis and Lenny Henry, while they cover songs by James Read More

Paphos International Film Festival coming next week

The Paphos International Film Festival (PIFF) returns for the fifth year next week with open-air film screenings from July 24 to 26. The city’s leading film festival will screen Cypriot and international short films and documentaries at the Cultural Centre Technopolis 20 and will include screenings under the stars.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

People flock to Petra tou Romiou for selfies with Aphrodite

The initiative of the Society for Tourism Development and Promotion of Paphos (STDPP), of the application of “Enriched Reality” created to highlight the myth of Aphrodite with the first presentation being that of the birthplace of the goddess Aphrodite in Petra tou Romiou, has been met with immediate and largely unexpected acceptance. Just a week after the announcement of this pioneering initiative, information from Philenews states that a large number of visitors are already flocking to the area of Petra Read More

Flying Away Festival 2020 calls for artists to participate

The annual Flying Away festival will be taking place in September as originally planned. Aiming to be the biggest celebration of art and music on the island, Flying Away will return for its 14th edition at its usual location, Orpheas Stadium in Nicosia. In previous years the number of participating artists extended to 100 and audiences throughout the weekend steadily grew. This year, given the unprecedented circumstances we find ourselves in due to the pandemic, the festival will operate with some Read More

‘Recyclefish’ for Ayia Napa’s Landa beach

Ayia Napa will join Limassol, Paphos and Larnaca in acquiring its own Recyclefish — a fish-shaped metal structure that serves as a giant ‘collection point’ for plastic bottles and other items. The fish was created by artist Apostolos Panteli and the campaign is sponsored by pharmaceuticals and health care company Medochemie.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Classical concert combines music and flowers

As those in the world of music dust off the lockdown days a concert is coming up in Limassol that will see pianist Tatiana Stupak and soprano Ekaterina Savva classical piano solos, accompanied by the singer for various well-known arias and songs. The event is being organised jointly by the Tatiana Stupak School of Music and Fiori, a Limassol décor and flower design company, who will decorate the school with flowers, hence the performance’s title Music and Flowers and tickets are €40. Read More

How to make triandafillo ice cream, by UK Cypriot chef Loulla Astin

Just in time for the scorching heat, UK Cypriot chef Loulla Astin has shared her recipe for refreshing triantafillo ice cream — or as she alternatively calls it Cyprus style rose cordial ice  — with Parikiaki. With the recipe she also shares her memories from the ice cream man, Toffis, who used to pass through the streets of Avgorou on an old battered bicycle selling ice cream and mahalepi.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Drive-in to Nicosia cinema screening

It’s the first of its kind taking place in the capital and it’s all thanks to the Dali Youth Club. One of the positives of the post-lockdown life for event organisers and cultural institutions is to try to adapt to new reality and measures. While Rialto Theatre has a programme for drive-in cinema, Dali Youth is bringing a similar vibe to Nicosia for two nights only – June 29 and 30 at the parking of Dali Amphitheatre, at Dali Lyceum. Read More

Greening the city

A planned community garden in Nicosia’s old city is the launch pad for more ambitious scheme By Annette Chrysostomou Gardens of the Future, an impressive plan to build community gardens in the heart of Cyprus’ cities, is this week one stop closer to becoming a reality. The initiative already has the support of the Nicosia municipality, and has been chosen as the number one project by Cypriot online platform Pusula, after it published an open call for ideas. Money for Read More

New dates for Lemesos International Documentary Festival

The annual Lemesos International Documentary Festival, which usually takes place at the height of summer, will this year be held during the first week of September due to the restrictive measures imposed on cultural events to contain the pandemic. This year’s 15th edition will be held on September 16-23 at the festival’s usual venue, Lanitis Carob Mill, by the Medieval Castle of Limassol.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

Rembetiko event at Ayia Napa’s Sculpture Park to be streamed live

Rembetika songs and dances will fill the outdoor park that overlooks the Ayia Napa coastline on Sunday in a show to broadcast online. Following DJ Dona Costa’s successful event at the Sea Caves nearby, the town’s municipality is putting together another event with the help of music and dance groups. Between 6.30 and 8pm, the music ensemble Oi Mikri Rembetes and the Cultural Association Rhythm will perform at the park and the event will be streamed live online.   Read More

Traditional salads that will blow your mind away

This traditional salads will make you actually love salads!Cyprus may be famous for souvla and kleftiko but if you try the traditional salads with the fresh and local vegetables you will change your mind about cypriot food. Beetroot Salad 1 kg beetroot5-6 cloves garlic, finely choppedolive oilwine vinegarparsley (optional)salt– Wash the beetroot and boil in plenty of water until cooked.– Peel and cut in slices.– Place in a salad bowl and add garlic, salt, olive oil and Read More

Petition for car free Sunday in Nicosia

An online petition has been launched urging Nicosia municipality to declare one Sunday a month a car free day. Launched by Bicycle Mayor of Nicosia, Streets4All Cyprus, Urban Gorillas and Battle of the Pedestrians, the petition notes that the coronavirus epidemic, despite the difficulties, has had positive aspects — seeing our city free of car traffic, quiet streets, fresher air and bluer skies.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Locked down shoppers turn to vegetables shun ready meals

Shoppers cut spending on ready-made meals and bought more fruit and vegetables, turning to healthier eating during coronavirus lockdowns, preliminary results of a research project showed. People forced to stay home also tried new recipes and threw away less food, the survey of nearly 11,000 shoppers in 11 countries found. “Amid lockdowns people are eating healthier, are cooking their own food and are consuming more fruit and vegetables,” said Charlotte De Backer, who coordinated the study at the University of Antwerp in Read More

House or flat: where do Cypriots live?

In 2018, 26.6% of people in Cyprus lived in flats — below the EU 27 average of 46%, according to figures published by Eurostat on Wednesday. The same figures show, that 43.6% of people in Cyprus live in houses — more than twice the EU average of 35% and 28.5% in semi detached houses, again above the EU 27 average. Eurostat notes that during these times of coronavirus pandemic, the social distancing measures imposed across Europe to Read More

Work to restart on ten cultural heritage sites across Cyprus

Even during the difficult situation posed by the coronavirus pandemic the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage has continued its weekly meetings though teleconferencing to review priorities and future activities, it said on Monday. “We have continued honouring our mandate whilst at the same time ensuring that we fully adhere to the lockdown restrictions,” the statement said. Over the coming weeks in accordance with the lifting of applicable restrictions, the committee and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) will oversee the Read More

Time to reveal the collections

“Under difficult circumstances, art must always play a cohesive role. The same goes for cultural institutions,” the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation (BoCCF) said as it announced a new proramme to support Cypriot visual artists. As part of the Foundation’s programme Culture means Solidarity, BoCCF will promote and discuss its Contemporary Cypriot Art Collection and other private collections in online action. “Collections were not made and do not exist to be hidden,” the foundation said, “they belong to the world Read More

World's biggest film festivals unite for 10-day global streaming event

More than 20 film festivals around the world have joined together to stream movies free on YouTube after the coronavirus pandemic shuttered movie theatres and forced the cancellation of annual showcases in Cannes and New York. The 10-day “We Are One: A Global Film Festival” will feature content curated by the Berlin, Cannes, Venice, Sundance, Toronto and Tribeca film festivals, among others, starting on May 29, organizers Tribeca Enterprises and YouTube said in a statement on Monday.   Continue reading Read More

A week in the village

While many of this summer’s music festivals are on hold as we wait for the pandemic to phase out, Louvana Records has released a documentary about Fengaros Music Village 2019, created by Zedem Media. Edited by cinematographer Paris Christofi, the documentary shows the experience of a week at Fengaros Music Village through the workshops, evening concerts and jam sessions, as well as the exchanges between instructors and participants.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

As Earth Day turns 50 amid lockdowns, environmental action goes digital

With many nations having banned mass gatherings to slow the spread of the deadly coronavirus, green activists are marking the 50th anniversary of Earth Day online, urging environmental action through apps, webinars and digital campaigns. The annual push to raise public awareness about the environment and inspire actions to protect it, held each April 22, this year comes amid a health crisis that has forced unprecedented shutdowns in countries around the world. But organisers and environmentalists are pushing ahead with Read More

Five new cycle routes to highlight Paphos countryside

Five new stunning cycle routes have been added to an initiative in Paphos to encourage cyclists to the district and ensure the area is an ‘active’ destination. “With the aim of highlighting the countryside, beautiful landscapes and the unique communities of Paphos, five more new routes have been created that mainly cover the countryside of western Paphos and the areas of Peyia,the Laona villages, Neo Chorio, the Akamas, Polis Chysochous, Argaka, Pomos and others,” the Paphos regional board of tourism Read More

Coronavirus: Easter via loudspeaker

Balconies and verandas are expected to play an important role on Saturday night with the faithful trying to hear the message of the resurrection of Christ from the loudspeakers of nearby churches from home. It will be just one obvious coronavirus-imposed change from a usual Easter with its extended family gatherings, packed churches, visits to villages and enjoyment of the usually warm, spring weather. But this year, instructions were clear: stay at home. Both the president and the archbishop urged Read More

Getting through lockdown with local wines

Indulging in high quality Cypriot and Greek wines is one way Despina Tilemachou is getting through the lockdown, each day discovering the textures and tastes produced at local wineries and sharing them with her 17,000 Instagram followers (@winescribble). In her #lockdownwine series Despina, or Anna to be more exact as that’s her online persona, shares a wine almost daily, describing its taste and what it pairs well with. Her audience, the tasters as she calls them, have quickly fallen in Read More

Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra to honour Tchaikovsky in streamed concert

The Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra will present a live-recorded music biographic documentary on Wednesday about one of the greatest composers of all times – Piotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The concert took place at the Strovolos Municipal Theatre on December 20 2015, with research, texts and music editing by Vicky Stylianou. Tchaikovsky’s life and musical endeavours will be streamed to living rooms worldwide through the orchestra’s Facebook page.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

Celebrate International Day for Monuments and Sites online

The Antiquities Department is inviting the public to take part online in a dialogue around the notion of “sharing” in culture, heritage and responsibility. In a statement issued on the occasion of International Day for Monuments and Sites which is marked on April 18, the department noted that because of the coronavirus pandemic, no events are being organised but the public is being urged to celebrate from home.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Online photography competition ‘Out the window’

The Limassol Architects Association announces its second online photography competition from April 8 to April 19 titled ‘Out the window’. “As we are obligated to live almost in isolation, life outside goes on. Through the open windows, various images come in together with the light,” the relevant announcement said.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Watch films from Cyprus online, for free

Well of course you can sit down to Netflix tonight! But for anyone with half a brain, the mindless whirl of blockbusters and reality shows is going to pall pretty quickly. Or you could opt for the news again – but haven’t we all overloaded on doom and gloom? Instead, why not try watching something a little different – something which will intrigue, challenge, and delight, courtesy of the ‘Films From Cyprus’ Vimeo page? An online video viewing service that Read More

1.4 million free books as National Emergency Library goes live

The Internet Archive in San Francisco has suspended waitlists for the 1.4 million (and growing) books in its lending library by creating a National Emergency Library. Users all over the world have equal access to the books now available, regardless of their location, it said. This suspension will run through June 30, 2020, or the end of the US national emergency, whichever is later.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

Shakespeare available for streaming by the Globe Theatre in London

As many people are staying home to help contain the spread of Covid-19, many cultural institutions like museums, libraries and theatres shut their doors and started offering streaming services to the public, including London’s Globe Theatre. According to the web portal Londonist, the Globe Theatre is now offering exceptional Shakespeare performances through online streaming for rental.   Continue reading at source:  Read More

TThe British Museum exhibitions available on-line to help you #stayhome

The British museum is closed temporarily due to the coronavirus outbreak but it continues to remain accessible though its digital channels. Hartwig Fischer, Director of the British Museum said: We’ve taken this decision with a heavy heart but our absolute priority is the health and safety of our staff and visitors. At present we don’t know when we’ll be able to reopen but we hope to be able to provide further updates soon. We’ll be updating and adding to digital Read More

Music brings Cyprus and Israel together

To say that music brings people and cultures together might be a cliché but there is some truth to that; it’s a universal language, felt deeply and honestly. On Sunday the Municipality of Paphos and the Cyprus-Israel Friendship Association of Paphos will hold concert to honour this Power of Music, as the evening is titled. Renowned sopranos Katerina Mina from Cyprus and Hadar Atari from Israel, together with the conductor and pianist David Sebba and the Evagoras Pallikarides Choir will Read More

A spoonful of tradition: honey making in Cyprus

Earlier this month it was Lefkara, with all of its lace and ‘ttavas’, that was in the spotlight thanks to Mission Tradition, a European Solidarity Corps project created by YEU Cyprus looking to promote cultural heritage in Cyprus. Now, with another planned visit in the works, Mission Tradition wants to highlight another of our country’s products – namely, Cyprus honey. That’s why on March 22 they will be heading to Kalopanayiotis for a day excursion, a workshop and a visit Read More

14th OPAP Limassol Marathon gives runners the chance to give something back

The successful OPAP Limassol Marathon GSO will take place on the weekend of March 21 and 22, giving thousands of runners the opportunity to run for the joy of participation, of distinction and of giving back. OPAP Limassol Marathon GSO will be held for the 14th time – the largest sporting event in Cyprus with international recognition. Entries are expected to surpass previous years, with the benefits for Cyprus being substantial.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

Thousands attend Aglandjia carnival parade video

Aglandjia on Sunday welcomed thousands of visitors at its annual carnival parade, the highlight of a week full of events. The parade, organised by Aglandzia municipality and STS Events, took place on Kyrenia Avenue. After the parade visitors could take part in activities organised at the Carnival Tent for children and adults alike.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

Mediterranean diet could stave off frailty in older people

Eating a Mediterranean diet could help older people stave off frailty and keep sharp, researchers have found. A diet rich in fruit and veg, olive oil and fish boosts bacteria in the gut linked to healthy ageing and reduces bacteria linked to inflammation, experts from five countries said. Following this type of diet could help curb the advance of frailty and cognitive decline, the researchers suggested.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Mail   Read More

Plant power takes root in Cyprus

Veganuary might be over but plant-based diets are becoming increasingly popular on the island as they are around the rest of the world says ANDREA BUSFIELD Vegan outlets across the island are not only blossoming, but flourishing with some businesses reporting a threefold increase in sales in the past month, a surge attributed to a combination of Veganuary and the documentary film The Game Changers starring James Cameron, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jackie Chan and Lewis Hamilton. “The response this month has Read More

Cyprus Stands Well Above the EU Average In Renewable Energy Used For Heating And Cooling

In 2018, renewable energy accounted for 21% of the total energy used for heating and cooling in the European Union (EU). This share has increased steadily since the beginning of the data collection from Eurostat in 2004, when the share was 12%. Increases in industry, services and households have all contributed to the growth in renewable energy used for heating and cooling. Sweden stood out among EU Member States with almost two thirds (65%) of the energy used for heating Read More

Epic Valentine's Day concert

To celebrate February 14, telecommunications company Epic and Love FM have invited the beloved Greek singer Kostis Maraveyas for a love-filled concert at Strovolos Municipal Theatre. Basking in the romantic feeling appropriate to the day, the singer, who is widely popular in Greece and Cyprus, will perform several of his ballads and hit songs. There are several ticket prices for the concert ranging from €20 to €30, yet there is also another way to attend the event. “Because love is Read More

Limassol will become a green, friendly and smart city says mayor

Limassol will be turned into a friendly, green and smart city for citizens and businesses, mayor Nicos Nicolaides said on Tuesday presenting a report for 2017-2019 highlighting completed projects, ongoing projects and various actions regarding social policy, culture and sports by the municipality. Limassol continues to grow at an ever-increasing rate, he said, noting that “by our choice, development is directed to the whole of the municipality, is universal, is directed to all social strata and all districts of the Read More

Cyprus leaders send message of peace at exhibition of exchanged works of art

President Nicos Anastasiades and Turkish Cypriot leader Mustafa Akinci sent a message of peace, addressing the art exhibition, “In Culture we trust” at the Ledra Palace hotel in Nicosia’s buffer zone on Monday evening. The exhibition showcases about 60 out of 219 paintings by Greek Cypriot and Greek artists and 54 TV recordings and 22 radio recordings about the Turkish Cypriot community, which were exchanged between the two communities, in the context of a decision taken by the two leaders Read More

Bar review: Avalon, Larnaca

Laiki Yeitonia in the heart of Larnaca has become one of the most popular areas for the young to go on a night out. Come the weekend and it’s full of life with all the bars practically full! There are a couple of mainstays that have been around for many years and this makes Avalon Live a comparative newcomer having opened its doors in 2013. However, Avalon has recently rebranded. Previous efforts focused on being a music/sports bar. Now, it’s Read More

Cyprus Film Days event to bring together film folk of the region

Cyprus Film Days has announced it will host Industry Days – a co-production, training and networking platform that brings producers, directors and scriptwriters from countries bordering the Mediterranean, from across the three neighbouring continents of Cyprus (Europe, Asia, Africa), together with other international film professionals. Industry Days is organised by the Cyprus Film Days International Festival, the ministry of education and Rialto Theatre. Τhe organisers’ vision is to both create a platform Read More

Bar review: Malibu Cocktail Bar, Limassol

by Tracy Roth-Rotsas In winter, when everything is cold and wet it’s really lovely to open the door to Malibu Cocktail Bar and be enveloped in the toasty warmth of the place! Of course, having just celebrated their 25th anniversary towards the end of last year, you know they must be doing something right! Situated on a corner in the tourist area, opposite Dasoudi Beach, within a little fenced-off area is the outside seating which wraps around and is filled with Read More

Dimitri Logothetis Considers Bringing $125 Million Film Fund and Next Film “Man of War” To Cyprus

Dimitri Logothetis, who brought and just completed the first film shot in Cyprus under the new cash rebate program Jiu Jitsu, has a new film fund of over $250 million.  Logothetis is prepared to commit half of this fund, $125 million, on a per film basis, to Cyprus, to produce films here. Logothetis, while in Cyprus a few weeks ago, met with a key minister, as well as Cyprus Invest, to discuss this new fund and the requirements necessary Read More

Celebrations for the Russian New Year in Cyprus

Most of us may have been enjoying 2020 for the past eight days but those following the old calendar, Russia included, celebrate it a little later than the rest of the world. Russians have two New Years, one on January 1 and the other on January 14, based on the Orthodox Calendar. Two events are taking place in Paphos and Nicosia to celebrate this Old New Year with the Russians. Organised by the Russian Cultural Centre, two festive concerts are Read More

Emirates' Special Baggage Allowance Offer During Dubai Shopping Festival

Dubai Shopping Festival marks its 25th anniversary this year and Emirates has an exclusive offer for Cypriot travelers to benefit from their visit to one of the best and most unique shopping festivals around the globe. Cypriot passengers can shop at the Dubai Shopping Festival and take advantage of the Emirates’ offer for 10 kg of extra baggage allowance. The offer is available for bookings made until the 1st of February for Economy Class travel from Dubai to Larnaka until Read More

Silky scarf: a music night for lute and guitar

Evagoras Karageorgis is a lute player and Pavlina Constantopoulou a guitarist. The two first joined forces in Kafeneio Valitsa where they presented Evagoras’ pieces and now they’re travelling to Paphos for a concert on Friday. After their performance in Nicosia, the two began carving out old tunes and notes and expanded their musical map to other musical wanderings. After brewing their music for several weeks, a new repertoire has been formed. The next performance of the duo will include music Read More

The continuation of the Greek Jazz Project

The local jazz scene has picked up significantly over the years with hundreds of performances, annual festivals and showcases. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that almost all of the jazz performances, if not all, are in English with occasional Spanish and French songs. Which brings up a question; what about Greek Jazz? Does it exist? Four musicians who make up the newly-formed band called the Greek Jazz Project are working on introducing what might be thought of Read More

Plenty of music performances in store

Fans of Greek music are in a for a series of treats although there is music of other genres taking place as well. December was full of live music performances and it seems that the first week of January will follow in its footsteps. One musical night, with hints of theatre too, held its first performance at the end of December and two more scheduled for January. Le Monde de Vanessa is a unique show that takes the audience back Read More

Epic Hosts Street Fest Party

Epic hosts the most festive street party of the year, the Epic Street Fest. On December 28th from 5pm to midnight at Eleftherias Square in Nicosia, they bid farewell to 2019 with a unique street party that will be the talk of the town. Join the party and celebrate the festive season with music by famous DJs, street food, drinks and street performances. Get ready to dance to the sounds of famous DJs who will get you into the festive Read More

Santa Claus coming from Lapland to The Mall of Cyprus

For yet another festive season, The Mall of Cyprus and KEANITA are hosting the real Santa Claus, who will be travelling all the way from Lapland to spread the holiday magic. Over the course of four days, Santa will offer children an unforgettable afternoon as they are given the chance to meet and have their photo taken with him. “Head down to The Mall of Cyprus’ specially designed holiday scene at Entrance 2, from 3 until 6.30pm from December Read More

A musical Christmas show

More Christmas productions are coming up and composer Kostas Kakogiannis along with the Diastasis group will present a musical evening entitled Ay Vasili Vasilia later this month. Larnaca will experience the production first on December 20, later Limassol on Christmas Eve and finally Nicosia on December 28. The title of the event comes from the discographic work of the songwriter based on songs in the Cypriot dialect, in the lyrics of Pambou Kouzalis.   Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

Greece’s, Cyprus’ cultural heritage to the forefront

The launch of the Third Technical Meeting of the European partners of the “Digital Arcade of Greek-Cypriot Culture: Preservation and Promotion of Mediaeval Cultural Heritage in the Aegean and Cypriot Island (DigiArc)” was hailed by the Minister of Transport, Communications and Works, Vassiliki Anastasiadou.The Department of Antiquities, the Cyprus University of Technology (Digital Heritage Lab/ UNESCO Headquarters), the University of the Aegean and the Ephorate of Antiquities of the Dodecanese are participating. The common goal is to highlight the Read More

All about food at upcoming expo

It’s all about food and drink at the 2nd Food Panorama Expo 2019, being held together with the Cyprus HoReCa Expo at the International State Fair in Nicosia between November 9 and 10.The exhibition is the industry’s most important business and communication platform, a unique opportunity for those in the food, beverage and HoReCa (hotel/restaurant/café) industries to meet, discuss, negotiate and trade. The fair will allow exhibitors to present their products and businesses to colleagues and the general public, Read More

Audi Sponsors Celine Dion's Unique Concert

AUDI is a sponsor of the much-anticipated concert of Celine Dion and will take on the transportation of the world-renowned singer’s entourage in Cyprus. The concert will take place on August 2nd, 2020, at GSP Stadium in Nicosia, and is part of her “Courage World Tour”.AUDI’s luxury models, with advanced comfort systems, dynamic driving and state-of-the art technology will offer a unique and safe experience, with AUDI’s top quality, luxury and status.“A longstanding supporter of cultural events, AUDI could Read More

Halloween in the sun

Ayia Napa is dressing up in a festive spirit this October with a Halloween event in the main square. Although the weather has been rather grim the last few days, Ayia Napa remains hopeful and hopes its ‘Halloween in the sun’ event will entertain the masses.This is the second year the town’s municipality is organising the event. “This is the most scary-fun celebration of the year, a foreign custom, which is set to be celebrated on the night of Read More

Running as one

The AlfaMega Run as One race will be held for the fourth year in a row this coming Sunday as part of the group’s Child, Nutrition and Health programme, for which the race raises money.The programme includes a number of initiatives promoting the benefits of balanced nutrition and the importance of regular exercise, implemented in collaboration with the Cyprus Dietitians and Nutritionists Association. Through Run as One, children aged 9-12 are given the opportunity to visit members of the Read More

Kyperounta celebrates apples

Time to praise apples and Kyperounta knows just how to do so as it holds its 17th Apple Festival in a collaboration between the Kyperounta Community Council, its Youth Centre, the Cyprus Tourism Development and Promotion Society and the Cyprus Tourism Organisation.The festival will take place in the village square on Saturday and Sunday and admission is free. It’ll open its doors to the public at 11am on Saturday and the programme will start with the team of Radio Read More

Green olives get their own festival

Better known as elies tsakistes, green olives will be celebrated on Friday with their own festival, the first of its kind. Organised by the Cultural Club Palmos Episkopis, the festival will transform Episkopi parking into an olive enthusiast’s dream, with activities happening all around the area.Festivities will begin at 7pm at the old olive mill of the village of Episkopi. There, guests will be able to visit the olive mill, a photography exhibition and watch Cypriot traditional dances. Afterwards, Read More

35th Ayia Napa International Festival

The Municipality of Ayia Napa organizes the 35th Ayia Napa International Festival, which will be held from the 26th until the 29th of September 2019 in Ayia Napa.The highlights of this year’s festival are the concerts with Stephanos Korkolis (28/9) and Giannis Ploutarhos (29/9)Programme:26/09/2019Venue: Amphitheater of Ayia Napa Municipal Museum “Thalassa”19:00 Welcome greetings by the Mayor of Ayia Napa, Mr. Yiannis Karousos, and CSO representative19:30 A voluntary event on the eve of Ayia Napa’s Municipality Festival named ‘Sports for Read More

Cyprus “gears up” for Cyprus Rally 2019 (video)

The Cyprus Rally is back and motor racing fans all over Cyprus are preparing for the major sporting event.The Rally will take place from September 27-29 and is the only rally to host two regional FIA championship rounds.The race consists of 12 stages over a competitive distance of 199.76 kilometres. It is the penultimate event of the FIA European Rally Championship season and the fourth race of the Middle East Rally Championship calendar. Continue reading at source:  Read More

More Fork Food please

Everyone’s favourite street food market of Nicosia is back for another series of tasty events. “Another fun summer has come to an end and this signals the commencing of our events,” say Fork Food organisers. The market will return to the Municipal Gardens of Nicosia for two more events in September, on September 20 and 27. As always, food will be served from 7pm until 11pm, while the bar and the music will continue till 12am.“The recipe of success Read More

Protaras is Moonwalking

No, this has nothing to do with Michael Jackson’s iconic dance move. It’s an initiative by Paralimni Youth – entitled ‘Moonwalk’ – bringing live music to the shores of Protaras, previously held in 2018 when it was a huge success. Last year’s event had the seaside promenade of the town quickly filling with crowds heading from band to band, listening to different music sets. Moonwalk 2019 is scheduled to take place this weekend (a month later than last year’s date), Read More

Photographic exhibition highlights Paphos

A new photographic exhibition highlighting the work of a local photographer will open in Tala gallery later this month. Themes within a Theme of Paphos by Tala-based photographer John Delaney will open at J&J Artworks gallery in Tala square on September 13 and will run for two weeks.The theme of his exhibition stems from the rich diversity of Paphos, which the photographer said is architecturally, culturally and aesthetically plentiful. He thought, why not include as many of these aspects Read More

Celebrating carobs

The carob, an iconic product of Cyprus, is often described as ‘black gold’, not just in our local tradition generally but also, more specifically, in the Pegeia region of Paphos – which is where a festival will be setting out to celebrate the carob and its large family of products this week.On September 8, the 8th annual Carob Festival will take place in Pegeia, and admission is free to all. The setting is the St. George church of Pegeia, along Read More

The sounds of Cyprus

Opening the World Music Festival in Paphos is a journey through the sounds of traditional Greek and Cypriot instruments. On Friday Georgia Kombou and Antigoni Kyriakidou will fill Technopolis 20 with instrumental music by local and Greek composers, kicking off the festival by paying tribute to local melodies.Georgia is the only female Cypriot soloist of the bouzouki. Yet that’s not her only musical talent. She also plays the mandolin, laouto and the tzoura and is an award-winning composer whose Read More

Upcoming festival focuses on local music and art

Flying Away. It’s what we all wish we were doing at this time of year, isn’t it: jumping on a plane for a marvellous month in the Maldives? We’d even be happy with a week in Woking, to be honest – anything to prolong that summer feeling. Alas, like Snow White’s dwarves, it’s back to work we go; our chance of soaring off on a hedonistic holiday pretty much nil.There is, however, a more literal interpretation. Taking place right Read More

Cablenet Runs the Park for the 10th time

Dro.Me.A. Racing Club is organising its 10th annual Cablenet Run the Park at Athalassa Park in Nicosia on the morning of September 7. The event includes a 5km race, a 2X2Km relay, a charity 5km Corporate race in memory of Cablenet’s Director Andreas Mavrides and an 800m kids race.August may be over by then yet the high temperatures are likely to continue into September so this event happens early in the morning, starting from 9am. The 5km Read More

Limassol's 58th Wine Festival opens on Friday

The 58th annual Limassol Wine Festival opens its doors to the public on Friday at the Municipal Gardens.Greeting visitors will be the trademark statue, the Vrakas, a towering figure of a man dressed in traditional Cypriot attire, long associated with the Wine Festival. The event will offer 10 days of continuous celebrations for locals and tourists alike until September 8.Visitors from all over Cyprus attending the Wine Festival will have the opportunity to taste the island’s wide range Read More

Kypria International Festival: a celebration of art

It’s almost September; the summer – if not its weather – is officially over, and there are no more flowers in our hair. We’ve partied in parks, made music in the mountains, chugged cocktails on the coast and generally lived a life of shameless, sandaled self-indulgence for the past three months. It is time to Get Back To Work. Well, almost. Because we’ve one last festival to contend with before the season’s truly done…Fortunately, it’s an event which matches the Read More

Fish festival in Zygi

The Zygi Community Council will host the Fish Festival on August 31 in an effort to upgrade the community’s cultural activities, with the hope of turning the event into an institution.The event will be hosted at the Zygi Fisheries Shelter, where kiosks will feature demonstrations of fishermen’s activities, such as net sewing, longlining, bait, sardine processing, fish filling, as well as an exhibition of tools used by fishermen. There will also be a booth staffed by Fisheries Officers to Read More

Spar Cyprus Adds Two New Stores to Its Network

Spar Cyprus has announced that it has converted two former Debenhams Food Hall outlets in Nicosia and Limassol to Spar supermarkets, the European Supermarket Magazine reports.The retailer said that it also trained store employees to ensure a smooth integration within the organisation. Continue reading at source : Gold News Read More

Ayia Napa launches competition for new amphitheatre (photos)

Ayia Napa Municipality has invited bids for a €3.8m open air amphitheatre it aspires will establish it on the  international cultural scene.The amphitheatre will be built on a hill north of Ayia Napa, with views to the resort and sea. It will cost about €3.8m, have 2200 seats and be able to host all types of events, from operas, international concerts and plays.It will be open daily, for visitors to admire the views.Ayia Napa organises Read More

The cheese goddesses

Dimitra Themistocleous is waiting for us at the side of the road, with an armful of flowers. Wild orchids. Aren’t they protected? “Well, the goats eat them as well.” Dimitra has a herd of around two hundred goats. The kids are just a few weeks old, so it’s not really time to be making cheese. The mothers’ milk is needed for their young during these weeks. Only once they start to nibble grass and flowers can Dimitra and her Read More

Bar review: BrewFellas, Nicosia

By Christos PapadopoulosThe time is 6 o’clock and I’ve just finished work. Radio announces that the temperature is hitting 37C, so I am in a desperate need of an ice-cold beer. Walking around downtown Nicosia, I make my way to the only bar I know that serves the coldest and best available beer at such time: BrewFellas.BrewFellas is a craft beer importer and distributor in Nicosia. Established in 2010, it began importing craft beer from abroad and slowly turned Read More

Limassol gears up for 58th wine festival

What’s Limassol without its celebrated wine festival? August wouldn’t be complete without it and this this year it’s celebrating 58 years. As usual, the town’s municipal gardens open their gates on August 30 for ten days to welcome in local wine producers, theatre and music performers, food lovers and wine enthusiasts.“The Wine Festival in Limassol is like a revival of the celebrations in honour of Dionysus, the god of the vine and wine and like Aphrodite, goddess of beauty Read More

The fisherman

Sardines, octopus, shrimp, goatfish, mackerel – the waters off the coast of Cyprus are teeming with life. According to Yiorgos Nikola, fifteen kilos is a good day’s haul for a one-man boatYiorgos comes in to anchor shortly before eight in the morning. He steers the flat, white Captain Tooylne carefully between the cutters, speedboats and yachts in the little port of Latchi. Once the boat is moored, its owner sits down on deck between his nets and carefully removes his Read More

Larnaca festival draws to close with popular opera

Larnaca Festival 2019 closes on Wednesday with the popular romantic comic opera L’Elisir d’Amore (The Elixir of Love) by Italian composer Gaetano Donizetti. L’Elisir d’Amore constitutes one of the most charming and melodic operas of the international repertoire but also one of the old time favourites among opera lovers worldwide.Donizetti’s comic masterpiece will be presented by Orion Productions in collaboration with the Artisti Orioni Soloist & Vocal Ensemble and the Orion Chamber Orchestra. The opera, which consists of two Read More

Rio Premier Cinemas: 5-star Cinematic Experience at Nicosia Mall

At Nicosia Mall, the cinematic experience is certainly offered in its best possible version, with the presence of Rio Premier Cinemas and the cutting-edge features and services it offers.The six-screen cinema, which is located on the first floor of Nicosia Mall, is an entertainment venue that has been designed to deliver a movie-watching experience filled with pleasure. Its premium theatre rooms, which are fitted with superior, comfortable seats and state-of-the art equipment, have undoubtfully raised the bar and the Read More

Ktima Gerolemo: at the heart of the island's wine industry

Undisputedly, Omodos village is the wine capital of Cyprus, surrounded by several wineries and their vineyards covering the mountain tops such as Afames and Kremnos of Laona. Not far from Limassol and built on the west bank of Cha-potami, Omodos is buzzing every day with visitors from all over the world. They come to admire its large plaza, the Monastery of the Holy Cross, the medieval Wine Press and walk aimlessly around the narrow alleys and the stone houses. Above Read More

Limassol Boat Show 2020

The sixth edition of the largest boat show in Cyprus and the Eastern Mediterranean region will be proudly hosted at Limassol Marina from 7th to 10th May 2020.Quickly garnering international acclaim, Limassol Boat Show 2020 will bring together visitors and exhibitors from across the globe to discover the latest products and services in the yachting industry, offering a unique networking opportunity for buyers, manufacturers, sellers and boating enthusiasts to explore worldwide nautical trends and demands. This dynamic 4-day show Read More

A host of live acts at Pissouri festival

A host of acts will take to the stage at Pissouri Amphitheatre on Friday in a charity concert to raise funds for the Cyprus Multiple Sclerosis Association and St. Michael’s Hospice charity.Music Fest 2019, will get underway at 6pm with non-stop live entertainment provided by Chris Andre, Jake and Elwood Rebooted, Kaela Santosh, Melissa Williams, Ray Cooper, Carmen Ghian, Dominik The Storyteller, Ray Cooper and Celia Stavri and The Cover Up.Well-known singer and musician Andre will kick off Read More

A month full of Greek music

Concerts thrive this time of time and there’s nothing that defines a summer night in Cyprus better than an outdoor live music event with a cold beer in hand, and maybe a souvlaki. A whole array of well-known musicians from Greece and Cyprus are holding concerts in July, all over the island.On their summer tour of Greece and Cyprus are Eleftheria Arvanitaki and Yiannis Kotsiras who have joined forces and talents for a special summer repertoire. The two popular Read More

In praise of popcorn movies: the Open-air Movie Marathon

There’s a special place in our hearts for the Summer Open-Air Movie Marathon. I suspect it’s a Nicosia thing. The coastal towns fill up during the summer but the capital empties, prompting an exquisite feeling of liberation (especially in August, when the annoying people who complain about the heat go on holiday). Traffic thins, urban noise subsides during the day, and a similar magic unfolds in the evenings – 9pm at the Konstantia Open-Air Cinema in Pallouriotissa from Wednesday to Read More

Il Divo in Cyprus for the first time

Cypriot audiences are in for an unforgettable musical experience as the world’s number one pop opera group Il Divo arrives for two performances on the island. The shows will take place on July 17 and 18 at the Limassol Municipal Garden Theatre.Marking the first time the famous opera band descends on Cyprus shores, they will be performing as part of their Timeless world tour. The tour, which is one of the most popular in the world, has been named Read More

Paphos bursting with music events

“I frequently hear people say there is not much going on in Paphos,” says Andrew Oliver, the president of the Paphos Music Lovers Association, ”and that the big venues seem underused. In fact, there are up to 40 great cultural events in Paphos every month.”On a mission to showcase Paphos’ cultural life, the Paphos Music Lovers Association helps promote musical events and organise recitals – and indeed, when you look into it, there appears to be plenty going on Read More

Local documentary wins at Red Cross International Film Festival

Documentary film Life begins at 90 won Best Short Documentary at the prestigious Red Cross International Film Festival, held in Varna, Bulgaria last week.It was filmed and produced in Cyprus and features 95-year-old Ray Woolley, a WWII veteran, his healthy approach to ageing, passion for diving and inspirational approach to life.The documentary about the inspiring nonagenarian who lives in Limassol was selected from thousands of entries from all over the world. More than 3,200 films were submitted from Read More

Festival comes to Phaneromeni all summer long

Over the past couple of summers Nicosia’s old town has come to life during a season when the masses tend to abandon the city and head for the coast. The Faneromeni Arts Festival has entertained those staying in the capital with music, theatre and cinema performances. Now, it’s back.Merging the old with the new, the traditional with the modern, the local with the foreign has always been a feature of the events hosted by the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Read More

Tenth solar vehicle race takes place in Nicosia

The countdown has started as preparations for the solar vehicle race organised by the Cyprus Institute for the 10th year continue.The pioneering race, held in cooperation with the Nicosia municipality, will be held in the centre of the capital on Sunday, June 23.The competition will be attended by the teams of Avgorou Regional Technical and Agricultural School, the Technical School of Agios Lazaros in Larnaca, the Paralimni Technical School, Pascal and Pascal English School, Nicosia Academy of Sciences, Read More

Larnaca's Zenobia wreck to star in TV programme

By Annette ChrysostomouCyprus is the subject of the fourth episode of ‘Legends of the Deep’, which will be aired on Sunday, June 30 on the Science Channel.Celine and Fabien Cousteau, grandchildren of world-renowned diver Jacques Cousteau, will look into the June 1980 sinking of the Zenobia, the massive cargo ferry which had 151 people onboard.“The intrepid duo travel to the waters off Cyprus in the second episode of Legends of The Deep to seek answers surrounding the sinking Read More

Festivals celebrate Kataklysmos this weekend

Kataklysmos is coming up, offering a long weekend which is sure to see the beaches and seaside towns attract crowds as various Flood Festivals are put on in celebration of the day.Larnaca’s celebration of Kataklysmos is perhaps the biggest with festivities lasting for six days. Until June 19, the entire Foinikoudes promenade will be decorated with stalls, games on the sand and numerous folklore performances. As per usual, the event includes a traditional bazaar along the length of the Read More

Celebrate the customs of a traditional Cypriot wedding

Along with the festivals, concerts and outdoor events that the summer season brings with it, there’s one more type of event that blooms during this time of year; weddings. Everybody knows it, May to September is a high season for weddings and probably many of you have got your calendars already marked out with them.Attempting to stay close to tradition, many weddings still include customs that Cypriots back in the day performed such as dressing the bride and groom Read More

Getting residents on board for a sustainable Nicosia

A GROUP of international environmental experts are in Nicosia to advise residents on how to make their city a greener, healthier place.The EU-funded ‘Roadshow’ from May 8 to 15 links up the experts in various fields with locals, and transfers the specialised global knowledge to the people who in turn have the local expertise. Combined, the two can determine what really works in a place.The method evolves city-by-city as it travels to locations in various countries with differing Read More

Yeroskipou beach facelift nearly there

The finishing touches are being added to the new beach bars in Yeroskipou that will open next week, according to the mayor.The municipal beach is undergoing a massive facelift and is ‘unrecognisable from last year, mayor of Yeroskipou, Michalis Pavlides told the Cyprus Mail.“We are investing a large amount of money in the area which is much needed and this is important to do, we will continually upgrade the area and keep it clean as well,” he said. Read More

“Kamares Festival” Supporting Local Charities in Paphos

Local charities benefitted with a substantial amount through the “Kamares Festival” event which took place last weekend at Leptos Kamares Village near Tala, Paphos. Colorful stands displaying many unusual and unique handmade arts and crafts, local wineries offering free wine tasting and charity games. A great day of entertainment included Anett Nagy with Funky Fitness, Michael Reid from The Wellness Academy demonstrating Phoenix Arise Yoga, Tina Chester, Soprano, Dominik the Storyteller Guitarist and Singer and Simone Swift Vocalist who also Read More

A summer of jazz at Technopolis 20

With June just a few days away the Cultural Centre Technopolis 20 in Paphos is getting prepared to welcome the summer with a rich and diverse artistic programme in its beautiful garden.As with previous years, the Summer Music Jazz Series continues with artists coming from the Cypriot jazz scene and also from abroad. The audience will have the opportunity to enjoy traditional jazz sounds, but also contemporary jazz compositions and improvisations. The programme will include popular names with experience Read More

Young people offered roles in protecting cultural heritage

he bicommunal technical committee on cultural heritage is looking for young people via Instagram to take an active role in promoting and preserving Cyprus’ diverse cultural heritage.The committee’s youth ambassador programme was announced at an event at the Home for Cooperation in the buffer zone on Thursday evening.Under the new programme, 40 Greek and Turkish Cypriots aged between 18 and 35 will be chosen to act as heritage youth ambassadors.Young Cypriots are asked to post at least Read More

New York's Famed Wolfgang's Steakhouse Soon to Open its Doors in Limassol

The very first Wolfgang’s Steakhouse by Wolfgang Zwiener in Europe is set to welcome diners into a striking eatery on the main Limassol seafront road this June, delighting gastronomes and red meat connoisseurs in Cyprus’ buzzing cosmopolitan hub with the finest quality USDA Prime Black Angus beef.The renowned classic American steakhouse, and highly regarded celebrity hot-spot, was founded by father-son duo Wolfgang and Peter Zwiener and several associates over 15 years ago, when they opened the flagship Wolfgang’s Steakhouse Read More

Something for everyone promised at Kamares Festival

The Kamares festival next weekend promises something for everyone with over 40 stalls of arts and crafts set up during the day, as well as charity games and a wide selection of entertainment.“The Kamares Festival is always very popular and a great day out for everyone as there is so much to see and do. It’s a real community event in a superb setting. Many families come for the entire day as the facilities and entertainment are so good Read More

Open day at Lania

Lania village opens its courtyards this weekend – and in fact it’s been doing it every May since 2006, as the women of Lania open up their very picturesque and colourful gardens to the public. Music, dance and chatting with the locals will all form part of the Lania Lanes & Courtyards 2019 event.Those of you who have ventured up to the Limassolian village will know how quaint Lania is, typified by its flowers, plants and pebbly alleys. It’s Read More

All at sea: Limassol boat show promises fun for the family

Living on a Mediterranean island lends itself to certain activities. Swimming for one, because who wouldn’t want to take advantage of the turquoise waters? How to make the perfect gin and tonic (a summer afternoon prerequisite) is another. And then there’s sailing – not only as a precaution against the day the zombie apocalypse grounds all the planes, but because there’s simply nothing as divine as a long day out on the waves. Which begs the all-important question: do you Read More

Reflect Festival will share the history of the future

The largest future casting festival in southern Europe and the Middle East is coming to Cyprus this week and for the second time trendsetters, decision-makers and pioneers will come together to challenge the status quo and look everything from AI to the changing world of business, innovation in health tech, new players in mobility, and climate change.On Thursday and Friday, over 1,000 entrepreneurs, managers, innovators, students and future enthusiasts will meet in Limassol, together with 40+ speakers “to listen, Read More

World's oldest scuba diver marks 100 dives in Latchi

THE world’s oldest scuba diver, the irrepressible 95-year-old Ray Woolley, will celebrate 100 dives in Latchi this weekend.Woolley, who lives in Limassol and has dived all over the world, says he is particularly fond of diving in Latchi.“For the last few years most of my dives have been with Latchi watersports and they all make it so easy for me, which at my age is great.Latchi is such a lovely place to dive,” he told the Cyprus Read More

Limassol Boat Show Significant Additions to The Largest Boat Show of Cyprus

This year’s Limassol Boat Show is preparing to open its doors from the 9th - 12th of May at Limassol Marina, featuring shows, demonstrations, activities, unique presentations of products and services, as well as a unique entertainment for children and adults alike.More than 120 exhibitors from ten different countries will present the latest trends in the yachting industry, water sports, recreational fishing, diving and other related activities.Exclusive brands and exhibitorsLimassol Boat Show has become a starting point for many companies Read More

Restaurant Review - The Monkfish Paphos

A friend whose gastronomic opinion I trust implicitly told me that there were only two excellent fish restaurants in Paphos, so I wondered if The Monkfish, which has recently opened on the coast road, perhaps could be a third option?The restaurant is sited one floor up in a large white development on the road between Paphos and Coral Bay and to serve everyone’s needs is accessed by stairs or a lift. Once upstairs there are extensive terraces with direct Read More

Fairy festival a celebration of spring

Originally, the season was called ‘springing-time’: a reference to plants ‘springing’ from the ground (as opposed to fall – the original term for autumn; turns out the Americans have this one right! – when gravity kicks in). Then it was shortened to ‘spring-time’. And now we have spring! But it’s not just the greenery that’s on the up and up: this time of year sees a whole host of events springing into being, starting with CyHerbia’s annual celebration of the Read More

Cyprus' fruit consumption above EU average

By Annette ChrysostomouThe daily intake of fruit in Cyprus is slightly higher than the EU average, according to a Eurostat table published on Monday which revealed that 69 per cent of Cyprus residents ate fruit daily in 2017, while the EU average was 64 per cent.In Cyprus, 30.3 per cent reported they eat fruit, veg or salad at least twice a day, 38.3 per cent at least once a day, 15.4 per cent 4 to 6 Read More

Admire Polemi tulip during annual festival Sunday

Hundreds of visitors are expected to descend on Polemi village in the Paphos district on Sunday to admire thousands of wild tulips in full bloom at the annual tulip festival.The event will get underway at 11:30am and celebrates the wonder of the not-so-humble tulip Tulipa Agenensis, which is found all over the southern Mediterranean and other areas such as Israel.However, the plateau between Stroumbi and Polemi is the only area on the island where the tulips grow en Read More

Take a hike with YEU

Spring is here, the weather finally seems to be clearing up and almond trees are blossoming. It’s a stunning time of the year in Cyprus and with all of the heavy rain we’ve experienced, the island’s fields and mountains are greener than ever. Now is the perfect time to take in the gorgeous landscape views on a hike.Before the heat takes over, March until May are good months to immerse yourself in Cyprus’ nature and be outdoors. There are Read More

Spend Green Monday in the woods

This weekend is bound to be an eventful one, with the carnival just around the corner and festivities popping up left, right and centre. The celebrations are set to continue early next week as Green Monday arrives, marking the official start of the Easter fasting period.After two days of partying and the heavy meat consumption that goes down on Tsiknopempti, the veggie cleansing of Green Monday comes to save the day. Beware, though, not to overdo it with bread Read More

Accountancy Cyprus: Millennial Accountants Share their Views on Work Challenges and Technology

The Accounting profession makes up one of the most vibrant and successful sectors of the Cyprus economy and the country has gained an enviable international reputation as a regional business centre thanks, in part, to the excellence of its highly qualified professional accountants, auditors and tax advisors.In the new issue of Accountancy Cyprus, eleven younger generation professionals share their views on work, how it compares with what they expected on joining an accounting firm, what they predict regarding the Read More

Carnival season kicks off with Aglantzia party

Carnival fever is nearly upon us and in two weeks’ times masquerade costumes and all sorts of funky, colourful decorations will take over the streets as the island will beat to the drums of Limassol’s annual parade. To put everyone in the mood and get the carnival hype going in Nicosia too, a themed party is coming up on Saturday with a taste of what the carnival has to offer.Nostalgia Parties, known for their lively events, have teamed up Read More

Will my Valentine be my spouse? In Cyprus the answer is yes

Cyprus is among the EU countries with the highest number of marriages relative to the population, a Eurostat report published to coincide with Valentine’s Day has shown.The country with the most marriages relative to its residents was Lithuania in 2017, with 7.5 marriages per 1,000 inhabitants, closely followed by Romania (7.3). In joint third place were Cyprus and Latvia, both with 6.8. Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

More ways than one to spend this Valentine's day

Whether you want to shy away from the universal day of love or go all out, bars, restaurants and wellness centres have a long list of choices for February 14. We’re already half way through the second month of 2019 and love it or hate it, Valentine’s Day will quickly be upon us.Nicosia music lovers are spoiled for choice. Fans of blues music can choose between catching The Funked Up Project at Zaatar Foods & Arts for a more Read More

Hospitality Industry Global Trends and Developments

Number of international travellers continues to grow and the global industry is changing faster than ever before. According to UNWTO's long-term forecast report “Tourism Towards 2030”, the tourist international arrivals will reach 1,8bln by 2030. The 10 global trends and developments in the hospitality industry which every industry player should be aware of, are outlined below:• Airbnb: With listings in over 190 countries and 65,000 cities, Airbnb forms a growing market share with high price competition that hotels need to face. Why Read More

Cyprus-Based eSports Training Platform Learn2Play Reaches 1 Million Users in Less Than a Year

eSports startup Learn2Play helps competitive gamers develop their skills using AI and machine learning, through online training schools for popular games including League of Legends and Dota 2. After less than a year of operations, the Cyprus-based startup has now reached 1 million active users – reflecting the explosive growth of the eSports market.According to EU-Startups, Learn2Play closed its first seed round earlier in 2018, raising €1.8 million from RTP Global, Buran Venture Capital and, allowing the team to quickly develop Read More

Cypriots more healthy years than EU average

Cyprus is among the European countries with the highest number of years a person is expected to continue to live a healthy life, a new Eurostat report revealed.On a list with the EU member states, women in this country are number four with an average of 68.8 healthy years and men are ranked sixth with a slightly lower number, 67.5 years.Healthy life years, also called disability-free life expectancy, is defined as the number of years that Read More

The legendary Scorpions back in Cyprus

A week away from the concert, the Spyros Kyprianou Athletic Centre is nearly sold out for The Scorpions – known for such heavyweights as Winds of Change, Rock You Like a Hurrican and Still Loving You – but there are still some tickets available. This is not the first time the band has performed in Cyprus, they rocked the island in 2004 and again in 2006 playing to 10,000 people in Nicosia and 7,000 in Limassol. Since then, no other Read More

Fork food market returns to Nicosia

Markets thrive all around Cyprus, even the simple farmer’s market at OHI roundabout, where vegetables sell out by lunch time. At Christmas, festive markets pop up like crazy. And where there’s food, there’s people, so a common factor all these markets have is selling treats.An event offering solely that is the Fork Food Festival. Bringing fresh dishes from around the world for the last six years, Fork Food is kicking off 2019 with two events in February, one on Read More

Taste Peloponnese wine

If you didn’t partake of much wine over the holiday period fear not as another excuse to fill up glasses is coming. The Society of Wine Producers of Peloponisos vineyards are holding their second wine tasting event in Cyprus. The event invites wine professionals and aficionados to Carob Mill Restaurant in Limassol next Sunday, where 23 top wine producers of the Peloponisos Vineyards are set to inspire and impress with fascinating wines froom the largest and most important wine-growing region Read More

Conference looks at future of banking

In the days of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency, it comes as no surprise that a Digital Banking & Payments Conference is taking place for the very first time in Cyprus. Happening on the last day of January, it’s set to cover all things of online finance there is to know.For those who aren’t sure what this entails, the conference will focus on the requirements of regulatory compliance, such as PSD2, the dynamic development of the new Payments landscape and Read More

Uncovering mosaics a painstaking process

By Annette ChrysostomouThe antiquities department has plans for two big ancient mosaics for this year, one in Larnaca and the other one in Akaki, outside Nicosia. It takes time, work, and many careful deliberations however before such big excavations can be preserved properly and displayed to the public.Both of them are well worth the effort.The rare mosaics in Larnaca were discovered in 2016 and date from the second century AD and include a Roman public bath with a Read More

Permission granted for Epiphany service in Famagusta

The religious holiday of Epiphany will be celebrated in Famagusta in the north this Sunday, January 6, for just the fourth time since 1974.The celebrations to mark the day are being organised by the Bishopric of Famagusta and Constantia, the ‘Ammochostos, our city’ initiative and the Famagusta municipality.Buses will transport the faithful to Famagusta to attend the liturgy held at the church of Ayios Georgios Exorinos, between 7.30 am and 10.30am. Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

New Cypriot printmakers showcase their art

How much do you know about printmaking? Aiming to raise visibility and support new local printmaking artists, the Hambis Printmaking Centre and Museum has established a new series of annual exhibitions titled New Cypriot Printmakers.Eighteen emerging artists are exhibiting their pieces now at the Centre in Platanistia until February 28. There are 54 works displayed of various printmaking techniques including linography, engraving, silkscreen, woodcut and etching.Over the last couple of years, the centre and museum has organised an Read More

Restaurant review: Honey at Ibrahim's Khan, Paphos

Paphos old town is one of my favourite areas of the district but despite an expensive facelift to many of the buildings it has sadly lacked a decent restaurant for as long as I can remember.Six weeks ago, that all changed.I was pleased to learn that a new restaurant Honey had opened at the historic Ibrahim’s Khan (also known as the Hani – hence the play on words of the venue’s name), a fantastic, beautifully restored building that Read More

Christmas comes to town

There’s no denying that Christmas has arrived, with every shop and café holding their own festive gathering, showering the public with ‘special deals’. Every nook and cranny is decorated with tinsel and sparkly red ornaments. Not wanting to miss out – now that Eleftheria Square is slowly starting to shape up – Nicosia Municipality has organised a series of activities taking place in the yard of the Municipality, just above the square, enticing people to a part of town that Read More

The best of local crafts and craftsmen

Unless you’ve been living under a (hand-crafted, embellished, repurposed) rock for the last few years, you’ll know about etsy. An online platform that hosts individual crafters’ ‘shops’ (web pages) it’s big business in a world which is rediscovering the beauty of hand-made. At the last count, almost 2 million crafty individuals around the world had a page on selling everything from knitted mermaid blankets to personalised wands. Even Cyprus is represented, with island residents selling roughly 2,000 different Read More

Christmas Events to be Organised at Cyprus' Airports

Larnaca airport has been turned into a fairy-tale Christmas town open to the public with stories from the most beloved Christmas fairy-tales, decorations, charity Christmas markets and beautiful Christmas melodies by live bands in the Check-In and duty-free shopping areas.The Christmas events officially launched at Larnaca airport with the illumination of the Christmas decorations on 4 December 2018. Throughout the month, trips to the Larnaca district’s primary schools have been planned, where entertainers will read beloved Christmas tales to Read More

Popular Paphos Christmas night market returns

Hundreds of people are expected at a night market in Paphos, now an annual event on the Christmas calendar.Taking place on Thursday 6 at the large car park outside Revival Fashion store and the Paphos Post newspaper on the main coastal road in Kissonerga, event organisers Judith Evans Davies, a local businesswoman and well-known local soprano, said visitors love to soak up the Christmas spirit.“Around five hundred people come every year and it’s a great place to buy Read More

Paphos welcomes a Christmas concert

As we have now entered December Christmas-related events and activities can be justified. Jumping on the festive bandwagon is Technopolis 20 in Paphos, which has an art market on this weekend. Their Christmas concert on December 17 is presented under the Paphos Music Lovers Association Winter Festival, where a pianist and a soprano perform live.Pianist Ivelina Ruseva will play a delightful recital of well-loved classics and soprano Tina Chester will follow with classical and modern Christmas songs and carols. Read More

Festive fayres continue into December

Welcome to Markets Mark II, where we bring you the low-down on the island’s many Christmas bazaars. Last week we looked at the first tranche, all taking place in November; this week we’re moving on into December where there seems to be no let-up to the handmade folly of the jolly holiday season! If you had a mind, you could visit all of this week’s fairs and stock up on enough seasonal craftiness to make Martha Stewart red, white, and Read More

Cyprus on the List of The 20 World's Best Golf Courses

Golfscape has put together the ultimate golf bucket list that contains the top courses across the globe that you must play in your lifetime. Cyprus' Aphrodite Hills has made this list, making it one of the world’s best golf courses. 20. Aphrodite Hills, CyprusWith stunning views of the Mediterranean Sea and an exquisite setting amongst natural vegetation, Aphrodite Hills Golf is paradise for the golfing enthusiast. Aphrodite Hills Golf is unique, exotic, and challenging and with a recent €4m investment upgrade Read More

Christmas season starts with festive fairs

Halfway through November, and we’re already pitching the Christmas market scene to you. To be fair, we don’t set the dates, we just report on what’s happening – but doesn’t it all seem to be getting earlier and earlier each year? There was a time (well within living memory!) when Christmas gifts were snapped up in the last week or so, a mere addendum to the religious spirit of the event. But these days, the material seems to have Read More

New Nicosia mall to welcome the crowds

Bright, cavernous and promising shopping for all, the Nicosia Mall will open its doors to the public on Wednesday morning with more retail space than any other shopping centre on the island.Located on the outskirts of Nicosia, with new roads also set to open on Wednesday morning, the new location has 140 shops over 48,000m² of retail space and aims to compete with other international shopping destinations under the slogan Made Incredible.Designed to lead shoppers around it much Read More

The perfect excuse to drink more vino

Wine enthusiasts can enjoy tasting the aromas of different wine varieties all through November as this year’s wine month is officially here.The Cyprus Tourism Organisation is holding another month full of wine-infused activities so the public can get to know Cypriot wine traditions, visit local wineries and enjoy Cypriot wines. Until November 28, wineries in Paphos, Limassol and Larnaca will have their doors open from 10am-6pm, to welcome wine lovers in.As a great excuse to tour the island’s Read More

Long cherished award for sailor Kontides

Cypriot sailor Pavlos Kontides has been named Rolex World Sailor of the Year 2018 as the stars of sailing were recognised at the 2018 World Sailing Awards in Florida, USA.“There are lot of great legends in our sport on that trophy. Since I was 14, I’ve been dreaming of winning that award,” said Kontides, speaking after receiving the award.“I used to write it on lots of pieces of paper that it’s what I wanted. Maybe it sounded a Read More

Two 14 year-olds win exclusive Cyprus-NASA challenge

Two 14-year old pupils from Cyprus won first prize in a competition brought exclusively to Cyprus by NASA in the framework of the NASA SpaceApps Challenge, that took place in many cities around the world including Nicosia last weekend.The competition in Nicosia took place in the presence of NASA Chief scientist Dr James Green, who mentored the teams.This year NASA offered an exclusive prize only for Cyprus that no other country had. The special challenge for Cyprus was Read More

Limassol Municipal University Library is preparing to open

On Friday, October 26, 2018, at 19.00 the grand opening of the municipal university Limassol library - one of the main attractions of the city.Municipality and the Cyprus University of Technology ( TEPAK) invite everyone to attend this joyful event. The event will be held with the participation of the President of the Republic of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades and the Mayor of Limassol Nicosia Nikoladisa.The library is located in the city center , in a beautiful old Read More

Opera on the big screen

Some of opera’s greatest stars will be brought to the cinema screen in Cyprus on Saturday with a performance of the Metropolitan Opera live in high definition, part of a series of ten spectacular productions.The Metropolitan Opera is a vibrant home for the most creative and talented signers, conductors, composers, musicians, stage directors, designers, visual artists, choreographers and dancers from around the world.It was created in 1883 by a group of wealthy businessmen who wanted their own theatre. Read More

The super super healthy olive oil

Some of the world’s top academic institutions are studying the olive oil produced on an arid Cyprus farmBy Annette ChrysostomouRecently there has been a huge surge in international publications hailing the multiple positive health effects of olive oil. But not just any olive oil. It must contain a large number of phenolic compounds.All these latest developments in the field mean that Yale University has suddenly become very interested in a Cyprus farm. Just this week, the prestigious university has Read More

Michalis P Michael Cyprus Can Develop a Strong Film Industry

The first Cyprus Film Summit was held with the participation of 120 representatives of production and directing companies.With the aim of promoting Cyprus as a shooting destination and creating a strong audiovisual industry on the island, the first Cypriot Film Summit 2018 was held today 10 October, at the Nicosia Conference Center.The conference presented the special framework of incentives and benefits that the government has developed for domestic and international productions to be done in our country, as Read More

Hollywood, Bollywood to talk movie magic in Nicosia

By Annette ChrysostomouNext week’s film summit aims to persuade big foreign producers to choose Cyprus as a location, but it should also boost the island’s own film industry, the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (Cipa) and local film directors have said.A Cipa official said a number of big players will be attending the event, the first of its kind in Cyprus, from October 9 to 12.“We have invited producers of Hollywood movies who work with big stars like Richard Read More

Cyprus' First Film Summit

The 1st Cyprus Film Summit will be held at the Filoxenia Conference Centre in Nicosia on October 10th, bringing together 120 participants from all over the world.The Cyprus Film Summit is being organized by the Cyprus Investment Promotion Agency (Invest Cyprus), the Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO) and the Press and Information Office.According to a press release, the "Cyprus Film Summit 2018" constitutes an excellent initiative to promote Cyprus as a filming destination to industry professionals. Continue reading at Read More

Bar review: Savino, Larnaca

Nestled in the heart of Larnaca’s Laiki Yitonia is a bar that just recently hosted its 28th birthday. Regulars would tell you that it is the ‘Cheers bar’ of Larnaca because owner Moulos will remember your name!Savino rock bar is a no nonsense, authentic rock bar. Whether you are rocker or not, the vibe is buzzing and the music not too intense. Savino has a range of cocktails on offer but you are more likely to see punters enjoying Read More

Mediterranean dancers descend on Larnaca for festival

Folklore dancers tell many stories through the traditional clothes they wear, the traditional music they move to and the choreographies that were passed down to them. Many of these stories will be told at the 13thMediterranean Folklore Dance Festival in Larnaca next weekend.The dance festival, organised by the Cultural Heritage Association of Nicosia in cooperation with Larnaca Municipality, will bring together 14 dance groups from Mediterranean countries and 15 from Cyprus.Speaking about the upcoming festival, President of the Read More

57th Wine Festival to be Hosted at Limassol Municipal Gardens

Limassol’s Municipal Gardens light up on Friday, August 31 to welcome visitors to the 57th Wine Festival, to taste Cyprus’ wines and meet the wine makers, the Cyprus News Agency reports.The annual Festival, watched over by the statue of the Vrakas, the Cypriot dressed in the traditional vraka, will be open until September 9, offering ten days of continuous celebration for locals and tourists alike.At a press conference in Limassol on Wednesday evening, Mayor Nicos Nicolaides said this Read More

New attraction to take journey into Greek mythology

“Off with their heads, and on with mine!” – or something of the sort – said Roman Emperor Caligula when he demanded that all artistically acclaimed statues of Greek gods, especially the wondrous statue of Zeus at Olympia, be brought from Greece so that their heads could be removed to replace them with his sculpted portrait.Unlucky for him, Caligula was assassinated in 41AD, before his grand plan could be implemented. Unlucky for everyone else, the giant 7m wide Read More

Diver 95 in bid to set new world record

By Bejay BrowneRAY Woolley, 95, will attempt to set a new world record as the world’s oldest scuba diver by going down to the sunken wreck of the Zenobia ferry in Larnaca on September 1.The dive will see Ray attempt to reach a depth of around 40 metres and the entire process will be filmed, photographed and documented in line with guidelines approved by Guinness World Records.The nonagenarian, who lives in Limassol, already holds the Guinness record title Read More

Paddleboarder completes Mykonos feat

Paddleboarding coach Costas Symeonides on Friday successfully completed his 10-day journey from the Greek island of Mykonos to Limassol on a stand-up paddleboard, collecting €75,000 for charity.Visibly rundown from the effort, 41-year-old Symeonides arrived at the Ayia Varvara beach where friends and supporters awaited.Symeonides said the feeling was unbelievable because it had been a very difficult feat. Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

A festival to wake us up

Some of us may be sorry to realise that August is almost over, the holiday month will soon be a thing of the past and our routine will once again be in motion.Others may be counting down the days until schools start again (if indeed they start on time), until things get back on track, and until the annual Septemberfest – Nicosia Beer Fun Festival 2018 wakes us up and gets us all refreshed for a new season.The Read More

Get to know Cyprus wine

The 57th annual Limassol Wine Festival will begin next Friday night, August 31 – opening the gates to 10 days of festive drinking, dancing and, of course, eating with a colourful array of fireworks.The wine festival, which started in 1961, is a staple on the Limassol calendar and has succeeded in attracting thousands of tourists and locals to the Limassol municipal gardens each year, allowing the wine to pour freely and setting the mood, high.This year’s festival, which Read More

Commandaria festival: A celebration of Cyprus' 'wine of kings'

On September 7 to 15, the 12 villages of the Commandaria region are organising the 8th Commandaria Festival in close collaboration with producers and as part of concerted efforts to keep traditions alive.Commandaria is a famed wine with a rich history and has managed to retain its quality and importance through the years. A dried grape wine from Cyprus was first described in the 8th century BC by the Greek poet Hesiod. Commandaria was served at the wedding of Read More

University of Cyprus excavations at Kouklia reveal complex architectural unit

Α complex architectural unit which was constructed at the beginning of the 5th century BC by the Paphos royal dynasty has been uncovered during excavations carried out this year at the Hadjiabdoulla plateau by the University of Cyprus.The Department of Antiquities announced the completion of the University of Cyprus’ 13th field project at Palaiaphos, under the direction of Professor Maria Iacovou. The 2018 excavations took place between May and July and focused on the plateau (citadel) of Hadjiabdoulla, one Read More

Get out and run

The ninth annual 5km CableNet Run The Park event will get people running in Athalassa National Park in Nicosia on September 8.The run is organised by Dro.Me.A. Racing Runners’ club and Aglantzia Municipality and supported by the association of Parents and Friends of Children with Heart Disease. Major race sponsor is CableNet.The event includes a 5km race, an 800 metre kids’ race and a charity 5km Corporate race in memory of Cablenet’s Director Andreas Mavrides. Continue Read More

Napa gets swimming in musical waves

Ayia Napa is at the height of its season. The beaches are getting more crowded, the easy August days are setting in and the music events are getting louder.The peak of the musical week will be on Thursday and Friday when the Ayia Napa Youth Festival will have audiences singing and dancing along with Panos Yiamos and Super Sako and Eleni Foureira.Thursday is set to see what happens when you have a Greek singer perform on the same Read More

Limassol all prepared for wine festival

Preparations for the 57th Limassol Wine Festival are nearly complete, with the trademark traditional ‘Vraka Man’ statue put in place on Monday at the entrance of the Limassol Municipal Gardens to welcome visitors to the festival, which will take place from August 31 to September 9.According to Limassol mayor Nikos Nikolaidis this year’s festival will be better than ever.“The wine festival is a great folk festival with a huge tradition, it is a celebration honouring the Cypriot farmer, Read More

Young artist completes recordbreaking drawing

Alex Dzaghigian, a 16-year-old student at the English School in Nicosia, has completed a 300-metre-square canvas that could break the Guinness World Record for the largest drawing in the world.The record is currently held by Indian Ashok Nagpure with a 280.17-metre-square drawing completed on December 25, 2013. Guinness World Record will verify Alex’s work within the week.For the past two weeks the youngster has spent more than eight hours a day working on his drawing.“Art is Read More

The band that puts Cyprus on top

From cinema to theatre to music, whatever your fancy, there’s a festival for you at the moment. The film buffs can overdose on the Summer Open-Air Marathon in Nicosia, the theatregoers can sample the International Festival of Ancient Greek Drama while live music fans should probably put the Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival in Limassol on the top of their list.The festival, which has already gone through two performances, will bring one of the most popular Cypriot bands of Read More

Paphos to host beach water polo tournament

Paphos’ second annual beach water polo tournament will take place later this week with 25 International teams taking part.Organised by Cyprus Athletic Tourism- an independent company- with the support of Paphos Municipality, the Beach Water Polo International Tour 2018 will be held from July 13–15.Around 150 athletes from Cyprus, Greece, Israel and Hungary are expected to participate this year. Continue reading at source:  Cyprus Read More

A worldmusic festive feel in Limassol

July is the month when the Rialto Theatre in Limassol hosts performances by bands and musicians from all over the world during the Cyprus Rialto World Music Festival. This July sees the 13th edition of the festival and it promises to do what it does every year; entertain us with an array of musical traditions.The festival has become a bridge between different traditions, each of its various incarnations presenting musicians who have common starting points and influences, drawing their Read More

King of the waves to be crowned in Larnaca

For the sixth year in a row the King of Kite festival will host the only international kitesurfing championship on the island.Kitesurfs will be up this weekend at the Kahuna Surfhouse in Larnaca (which is said to have perfect conditions for kite surfing) where all the action will be. Every year water sports fans flock to the event for the sea, sun, sport and the fact that every year a professional kiteboarder hosts the event and crowns the winner. Read More

The power of art in a public space

Two sculptures have become synonymous with Paphos, being photographed hundreds of thousands of times and shared on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. The Little Fisher Boy and Sol Alter, a homage to Aphrodite, have taken on a life of their own.“I didn’t just wake up one morning and decide I would make a sculpture, I have been doing this for many years as well as painting. But because these pieces are public art my name has become known,” says the Read More

Global winners at 13th Cyprus International Film Festival

FILM makers from all over the world were honoured at the 13th Cyprus International Film Festival (Cyiff) awards ceremony held at Palia Ilektriki in Paphos on Sunday evening.Short and feature films of all genres competed in main categories including, ‘Cyiff got talent’ for first and second time filmmakers and a veteran’s category for more experienced filmmakers.Cyiff actively supports new and emerging filmmakers and women in film.Véronique Mériadec with her film ‘A Thousand Pieces’ (France) won numerous categories Read More

Music to bewitch under the summer moon

The Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and the Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra will wrap up the musical season with three open-air evening concerts under the name Witches Dance next week.Forty-five professional musicians will meet on stage with 30 young musicians under the baton of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra Artistic Director and Chief Conductor, together with soloists Maria Petrou and Orestis Papatryphonos on violins. Audiences will be presented with images of the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil with Read More

Raise a pint to a super beer festival

Because the first Limassol Beer Festival last year was such a success the organisers are set to repeat the process again this year.The magic formula includes three days of over 100 kinds of beer – both local and international – live screenings of the World Cup, lots of food to choose from (burgers, ribs, pizza, pulled pork and more), live entertainment, beer games with lots of prizes and a playground where the kids can play.The beer fun will Read More

Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival brings the kids in

The 21st Cyprus Contemporary Dance Festival will come to a close on Saturday with a first for the festival, a performance that is suitable for children and families.Switzerland and the dance company Company Mafalda will do the honours with a performance of Zick Zack Puff – where extremely diverse qualities meet. When on stage, these qualities exchange experiences and slowly begin to realise that there is opportunity in diversity, if forces are joined and complement each other.Together they Read More

Its lights camera action in Paphos

Two film festivals, both in Paphos, will be giving film buffs the chance to watch a variety of (mostly short) films from around the world. The third Paphos International Film Festival (PIFF) will screen a total of 19 international short films and 11 student films from June 22 to 24. PIFF, which is organised by photographer Nicolas Iordanou and director and producer Sylvia Nicolaides, is committed to supporting authentically independent short films and it aims to research, promote and develop Read More

Nicosia square gives it up for jazz

Aglanjazz is one of the best summer festivals around, encapsulating all that’s good about the season. It’s also well organised – a big jazz hand to the Aglangia Municipality. And, to top it all off, the name is singularly superb: Aglangia continues to lead the league in both witty musical monikers and jazzy June celebrations.This year, the festival takes place on June 27 and 28; quite a while away yet but it’s worth saving the date. Not that you’re Read More

Thrilling finale to Cyprus Rally

The second day of the 2018 Cyprus rally proved to be just as exciting as the first, with thrills and spills a-plenty for the fans who had gathered both in the centre of Nicosia for the mostly tarmac Super Special stage which was run early on Sunday morning, and on the fast gravel tests in the countryside.Overnight race leader Juuso Nordgren survived the first two stages of the day but perhaps the pressure of heading the field by such Read More

Cyprus International Food Festival CIFF2018Pafos

CIFF2018Pafos in collaboration with the Municipality of Pafos will host vendors with street food from around the world on June 16 and 17 at the spectacular Pafos Castle.A huge variety from across Europe, the Middle East from Syria to Siberia and of course from Cyprus with lots of wine and beer from around the world.Venue:Pafos Medieval CastleHarbour Area, Kato PafosPafos, CyprusChefs will have the opportunity to participate in the Chef Challenge Area to show how creative they can Read More

Chef is breath of fresh air for Cyprus economy

AGNIESZKA RAKOCZY meets a chef who is keen to evolve his own style of cuisine and who has his eye on a Michelin star being given in Cyprus It is difficult to figure out someone so concentrated and focussed on realising his aspirations and achieving his future goals that he views any discussion of his past as an unnecessary diversion, one that might slow him down from reaching his destination and fulfilling his life’s quest. Yet how to comprehend, much less Read More

The shared cultures of Cyprus and Russia

Limassol has become the most multicultural city on the island. With so many cultures rubbing shoulders, it is only natural that they will share rituals and traditions with each other, and this weekend Cyprus and Russia will come together during the XIII Cyprus-Russian Festival.This festival, which is dedicated to friendship with Russia, will welcome over 1,300 professional and amateur singers and dancers from both countries on three concert stages as well an array of events for children and adults Read More

Bicommunal cooperation to save the monuments of Cyprus

Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots, along with the people of UNDP-Pff and the EU, are working methodically after years of abandonment and destruction to save the monuments of Cyprus, Greek Cypriot Representative at the Technical Committee on Cultural Heritage Takis Hadjidemetriou has said.Hadjidemetriou was speaking on Saturday at a ceremony celebrating the completion of the conservation works of St Mary of Armenians Church and St Mary of Carmelite Church in the occupied city of Famagusta.“Deep is our faith, Read More

Bar review Lush Larnaca

The temperature is rising and the days are getting longer – summer is just around the corner. What better than enjoying a drink listening to the sounds of the waves and feeling that cool sea breeze? Being able to do just this at Lush on the Makenzie beach strip of Larnaca is just one of the reasons it has become such a summer hot spot over the last few years.Lush is generally busy throughout the day and night during Read More

Limassol Boat Show 2018 Record Attendance Exceeding 25000 Visitors

The island’s largest boat show, featuring yachts, activities and demonstrations on water, as well as recreational fishing products, was completed with remarkable success on Sunday, 6th of May. Limassol Boat Show, which took place at Limassol Marina from the 3rd to the 6th of May 2018, hosted more than 120 exhibitors from eight different countries and presented more than ten seminars, live water demonstrations and hundreds of products, marking a record attendance that exceeded 25,000 visitors.Continue reading at source Read More

Euphoria art land explodes onto the landscape

A stunning, unique project nestled in the Limassol countryside is offering guests the opportunity to experience the tranquillity of nature whilst immersed in a melting pot of cultures, which have been expertly melded to create three vibrant houses and magnificent landscapes.The Euphoria Art Land project is an explosion of colours and influences which work together surprisingly well, and have been created by well-travelled interior designer, Anthos Myrianthous, who started the project six years ago.Myrianthous, 52, told the Sunday Read More

The village of Lania welcomes us once more

For another year, the Women of Lania will be welcoming all to walk along the picturesque lanes of the village, while also taking a stroll among some of the village’s open courtyards this coming weekend.This year is the thirteenth year that these women have made May the month for the village of Lania in Limassol to really shine. The weekend of the organisers’ pick is always a great one for the whole family to get out in nature and Read More

The Mall Of Cyprus G3 Great Games Celebrate International Dance Day

International Dance Day brought endless dance and games to everyone at The Mall of Cyprus on the 29th April. Dance Celebration 2018 was organized with G3 Great Games – official representatives of the Just Dance video game in Cyprus – to offer all dance enthusiasts an unforgettable evening.Continue reading at source Gold News Read More

Bar review Pier One Limassol

There is nothing better than enjoying a relaxing drink as the sound of the waves swishes beneath you – I think this is one of the reasons Limassol and Cyprus are so special. There is nothing like the sea to make you feel better and there are few places that compete with Pier One as far as having a drink is concerned.Pier One is located in the Old Port area in what is now an ultra modern space. What Read More

Celebrating International Dance Day with The Mall of Cyprus and G3 Great Games

On the occasion of International Dance Day, The Mall of Cyprus and G3 Great Games, official representatives of the video game Just Dance in Cyprus, are organizing the ‘Dance Celebration 2018’ and invite you to celebrate with endless dance, music and games.At the event, taking place on April 29th, from 15:00 until 19:00, dance enthusiasts will have the chance to show off their skills, following the steps of the Just Dance game. Numerous dance schools will be adding to Read More

The sounds of Crete and Cyprus

A chance to hear the Cretan lyra and the oud being played in Nicosia is comping up this weekend.The sounds of Crete will blend with the voices of Cyprus in a celebration of the music of the Eastern Mediterranean.Greek musician Zacharias Spyridakis will play the Cretan lyra and Cypriot Yiannis Koutis the oud, while both will sing during the concert. The two come together on stage performing original compositions filtered through a modern perception of traditional music and Read More

Easter one long whirl of tradition

Here in Cyprus, it’s Easter that’s the most wonderful time of the year! One long whirl of tradition, celebration, and reunion, Easter is a beloved national holiday which sees families flood back home in anticipation of this special time…After the austerities of Lent (nistia, or fasting, is widely practised on the island, and many of the faithful happily renounce meat and dairy for the 50-day period), Easter is a bit of a blow-out, both in terms of celebration and fare. Read More

Paphos goes blue for autism awareness

ON Monday evening Paphos town hall, the castle at the harbour in Kato Paphos, archaeological sites the court house and some other buildings will be lit up with blue lights in support of Autism Awareness day.All over the world thousands of landmarks, buildings, homes, businesses and communities emit blue lights on April 2nd, in recognition of people living with autism. Autism-friendly events and educational activities also take place all month long to increase understanding and acceptance and gather worldwide support.Marina Read More

Cyprus Amateur Mens Open 2018

The Cyprus Amateur Men's Open is a counting event for World Amateur Golf Rankings (WAGR).For 2018 the event will be hosted by Eléa Estate Hills GC and will be played between May 18 - 20 (Registration and Practice day on May 17). The Championship will be decided by Stroke Play in a 3-day event over 54 holes, and the player with the lowest gross score over 54 holes will be the Cyprus Amateur Men’s Open Champion.Entries will be Read More

Easter fun around the island

Welcome to Easter fortnight! Wait, two weeks? Well yes, because while much of the world is celebrating the resurrection today (Happy Easter expats!), Orthodox Easter falls on April 8 this year. Incidentally, for the next two years both celebrations are also seven days apart. In 2021, we’re looking at a separation of nearly a month, and the two dates won’t coincide again until 2025! Which basically means this wonderfully cosmopolitan island will be seeing double the celebrations for the Read More

Get your bazaar game on

Apothiki 79 in Larnaca is well known for its unique bazaars, which give us a chance to decorate our homes with items that nonene else has and also buy gifts for those who have quirky tastes.The two-day Easter bazaar during the weekend, will present unique personalised and handmade gifts for everyone, such as holiday decorations, women’s clothing, jewellery, beauty products, food gifts, home decor, children’s clothing, decoupage and much more.Apart from serving up a storm of unique gift Read More

Bringing kids together under the same sky

Every single person you have ever loved, met, or even passed in the street lives in exactly the same place. Granted, that place is pretty big by the standards of, say, Aradippou, but when you look at the universe as a whole, the roughly 200 million square miles of land surface on Earth is vanishingly small by comparison…Our Galaxy is 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 km from end to end. IC 1101 – the biggest galaxy discovered to date – is over 60 times Read More

GreenCyprusCom plants thousands of trees along Paphos coastline

GreenCyprusCom, a non-profit organisation, has planted 2,000 trees along the coastline of Paphos.An announcement on Tuesday said the organisation had over the weekend, completed another major tree-planting event and planted trees along the scenic coastline of ‘Petra tou Romiou’ (Aphrodite’s Rock). In 2017 overall, 2,000 trees were planted within the framework of a campaign for the revival of Cyprus’ forests.The non-profit GreenCyprusCom aims to bring together people who care about nature and revive the island’s greenery, by organising regular Read More

Classical and Byzantine music for Easter

With Easter just around the corner, a number of Easter themed events are starting to pop up. As music is a big part of this religious holiday, singer Nectaria Karantzi will be joined by the byzantine choir and the traditional orchestra of the Holy Metropolis of Limassol at the Pattihio theatre to celebrate the coming of Easter while the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra (CySO) will also give two Easter concerts next week.The performance at the Pattihio theatre, under the title Read More

Fair ladies and gents welcome to Medieval Nicosia

There is something very medieval about Nicosia, whether we notice it in our everyday lives or not. Maybe it is the walls, the monuments, the structure of the buildings, maybe it is all this together. This is what the third Medieval Nicosia Festival will try to figure out over the course of its five days.The festival, organised by the Nicosia Tourism board and its Meet Nicosia, Meet Culture campaign that aims to grab more of the tourist flow visiting Read More

The Mall of Cyprus Celebrates World Theatre Day

For the second consecutive year, The Mall of Cyprus celebrates World Theatre Day by inviting its young friends to come and watch a series of theatre shows, filled with fantasy, adventure, and laughter.On Saturday 31st March, on a specially designed stage in front of Entrance 1, The Mall of Cyprus will welcome three professional theatre groups. At 11am the young theatre lovers will have the opportunity to watch the amusing play “Meet at the Ark at Eight” by Maskarini Read More

Worlds biggest yacht in Limassol

Limassol may be the focus of attention this week as the American Iwo Jima is in the area for exercise drills, but a different kind of boat is stealing the show.The biggest yacht in the world, the Dilbar, is now anchored right opposite the amphibious assault ship. The luxury superyacht, which belongs to 63-year-old Russian billionaire Alisher Usmanov, has a total interior volume close to 16,000 gross tonnage (GT) and includes a 180 cubic metre swimming pool, a power Read More

Throw off winter stupor at art exhibition

Forget January 1, it’s Spring that rings in the real changes. There’s something about the imminent start of this season which makes us all a bit restless – the circle of life begins once more, flowers bloom and there’s a renewed sense of energy in the air that wakes us from our winter stupor and challenges the soul. But it’s those at the cutting edge of creativity who are probably the most affected by this seasonal change; here are three Read More

Olivera Jevtic and Simon Kiprugut Kirui win Limassol Marathon

A record number of runners take on the marathon and half-marathon events in CyprusSerbian record-holder and five-time Olympian Olivera Jevtic won the women’s marathon title at the OPAP Limassol Marathon GSO, while Simon Kiprugut Kirui claimed the men’s title, as they clocked respective times of 2:44:26 and 2:18:28 on Sunday (March 18).Jevtic, who claimed victory by almost six minutes ahead of Radosveta Simeonova, said the event – taking place in warm and blustery conditions – was a good test Read More

A very energetic Saturday

Saturday will be all about fitness and how we can raise our energy levels in Limassol.The Opap Limassol Marathon will be underway and, for all those who are interested in fitness but don’t necessarily want to take part in the big event, the Petrolina Energy Day event will be just the thing.The oil company Petrolina, who is a sponsor of the marathon, will give everyone the chance to try out some activities and get information on how to Read More

Charity auction celebrates life

After being exhibited in Paphos and Limassol, the group exhibition Life is currently being shown at 1010 Hall in Nicosia.The exhibition, which will help raise funds for The Cyprus Association of Cancer Patients and Friends (Pasykaf), features artwork by leading Cypriot and European artists. These include Philippos Yiapanis, Andros Efstathiou, Andreas Makriou, Kyriacos Lyras, Louis Stavrou Yiannapis, Julie Hart and Anna Privaloff. Many other artists have also made donations to the exhibition and some of them do not sell their Read More

Paphos village prepares for everpopular tulip festival

A lush carpet of stunning wild tulips will be in full bloom for the annual tulip festival in Polemi village on April 1, say organisers.The festival, which is growing in popularity every year, attracts hundreds of visitors and president of the association of tulip friends, Dr Antonis Nicandrou, will be on hand to answer any questions.“This is such an important festival as it brings the community together and puts Polemi on the map. We live in a culture Read More

Quality Acoustic Music Takes a Step Forward in Nicosia

By Sarah Fenwick, co-founder Sarah’s Jazz Club, Editor told me that starting a jazz club in Nicosia would be difficult, nearly impossible because of the Kafkaesque licensing system designed to trap you into fines and legal dead ends. Many venues operate without licenses because of the complexities and expense. It’s simpler to just pay the fines and put it down to the cost of doing business, they think.I was scared, to be honest. The considerable financial Read More

Preparations Underway for the Limassol Boat Show 2018

Following the show’s success over the last three years, Limassol Marina, in association with Dacor Advertising and Media Ltd, will be hosting the Limassol Boat Show 2018 from the 3rd to the 6th May 2018. This annual gathering of industry professionals and prospective buyers will offer thousands of visitors the opportunity to view the latest boating and yachting products and services against the unique backdrop of Limassol Marina. The event will also include a series of seminars, product presentations, activities Read More

Paphos Ibrahims Khan to open in May

The first successful craftsmen and artisans to be allocated available units at the historic Ibrahim’s Khan in Paphos, will be proposed at the local council meeting on Thursday night.Municipal officer Doxa Economidou-Barda, speaking to the Cyprus Mail on Thursday afternoon, said that procedure for the two tenders has been concluded and that applicants in the first tender process have been evaluated and will hopefully now be agreed upon.“There are five workshop units that interested us and were evaluated Read More

Spring comes in red and white

The Embassies of Bulgaria and Romania invite people to get to know the tradition of wearing a red and white thread named Martisor to mark the beginning of Spring, tomorrow in Nicosia.The tradition involves making, offering and wearing a red and white thread, named Martisor in Romanian and Moldovan and Martenitsa in Bulgarian. The wearing of the Martisor on March 1 began in ancient times and up until today, the thread is thought to be a symbol that will Read More

Marathon season in Cyprus

If you’re one of the fabulously fit, you’ve no doubt been looking forward to this weekend for a while now, jumping out of bed at six each day for a quick sprint to Troodos and back before work. However, while the rest of us mere mortals are unlikely to be joining you in your quest (surely parking more than 10 metres from Starbucks constitutes a workout?) we’re looking forward to supporting you as you start your season…Over the next Read More

Guitar melodies times three

Three guitarists will take audience members on a journey through time with their melodies in Paphos on Saturday, when a flamenco mood will surely get them on their feet.Vasilios Avraam, George Christofi and Socrates Leptos make up the Cyprus Guitar Trio, who will entertain with well-known works written specially for three guitars by great composers, such as de Ferranti, Margola, Ferenc and Kaps, among others.The Cyprus Guitar Trio was founded in 2015 and is dedicated to the promotion Read More

Carnival on its way to Paphos

Each year the King of the Carnival reflects a different theme- this year it’s Rio, famous for its raucous Carnival festival, featuring parade floats, flamboyant costumes and samba dancers. Paphos’ celebrations will take place from February 8- 17, and the entrance of the King of the Carnival which traditionally signals the start of the ten day celebrations, will take place at 3.30pm on Thursday, February 8.He will make his grand entrance along Griva Digeni Avenue, in the centre Read More

Diving mission helps threatened turtles

A diving mission to locate abandoned fishing gear and to remove it has been carried out by the Oceanographic Centre and the diving team of the sports centre of the University of Cyprus in the Latsi area, it was announced on Thursday.The mission in the Natura 2000 protected area was part of a series of actions to reduce the impact of abandoned fishing gear on marine turtles.Abandoned gear is a serious threat to sea turtles since they may Read More

Ayia Napa in The 70s

Below are some rare photos of Ayia Napa in the 70s. It looks nothing than today.  One photo is of Nissi Beach; Pure nature, sandy beach, and nothing else.Take a look BelowNissi Beach 6 People sun bathing :) Ayia Napa Square (where most of the bars, clubs, discos are today located) - Traditional coffee house.Vraka Man. A guy with the traditional suit It is amazing to see how things change. If you have more photos that we can add Read More

Bases pay respect on Remembrance Day

Hundreds of British Forces Cyprus personnel paid their respects on Sunday to troops who have fought in conflicts all over the world as part of the Bases Remembrance Day services.Soldiers, sailors, airmen and civilians who attended services in Akrotiri, Episkopi, Dhekelia and Ayios Nikolaos, laid wreaths and bowed their heads to remember the ultimate sacrifice so many service personnel have made fighting for their countryCommander British Forces Cyprus, Major General James Illingworth, speaking in Dhekelia said: “We stand together Read More

Cypriot breaks indoor rowing record

The indoor rowing record was broken by a Cypriot athlete in Limassol on Sunday.Member of and trainer at the Limasool Nautical Club Aristotelis Ioannou broke the record for men aged 30 to 39.The Cypriot champion rowed 1,000 metres in a time if 3:00:3, beating the existing record of 3:01:1, which was held by Gary Conway from Ireland.Source : Cyprus Mail. Read More

Holistic skin and body care from plants of Cyprus

Cyprus can be frustrating. The weather’s too hot, the politics are endless, there’s a total inability to queue. The bureaucracy is soul-destroying, nothing happens on time, and our salaries are atrocious. But wait. Pause for a second and breathe… You live in a country with values (if you lose it, it will be returned), you have more holidays then pretty much any other European nation, random strangers will still stop to help people in trouble, and there’s a wonderful siga Read More

Injured turtle treated released

The department of fisheries has released a small green turtle (Chelonia mydas) back into its natural environment after treating it for propeller injury, it was announced on Thursday.The turtle, which was released at Phinikoudes beach, Larnaca, was 26 centimetres long, 23 centimetres wide and weighed around 2.5 kilos.The turtle was found injured in Akrotiri, Limassol, on August 25. Its shell had been pierced by a boat propeller above the left lung. It was transferred to the Meneou Read More

Government plans animal welfare Police force

The government will create an animal police force tasked with investigating abuse, Justice Minister Ionas Nicolaou said on Monday.Nicolaou said a government bill provides for the operation of an animal police force operating island-wide with members specially trained as regards animal protection, the minister said.“The main office will be located at the police HQ and officers will be assigned in every district to handle such cases,” Nicolaou said.The animal police will work together with the 79 community Read More


ΟPENING: 24 SEPTEMBER 2017, 19:00 Geroskipou Sculpture Park (Opposite the Old Ken of Pafos)Geroskipou, with a wealth of antiquities, folk traditions, and natural beauty, in 2017 acquires a sculpture park inspired by local legends. With particular reference to the history, the legends and local traditions, ten Cypriot and foreign sculptors will create on-site works drawing on the history of the area and, in this way, leaving behind them the traces of the European Capital of Culture.The project aims to Read More


2017 MUSICAL MINUTES !  FIVE PIANOS, FIVE DAYS, FIVE PLACESFive new pianos will be exhibited for five days at a different location each day. A travelling interactive installation that includes a total of 2017 minutes of music! Of course the pianos are not to be presented as mere exhibits, since musicians but also students and visitors will be able to test their skills on the piano keys. On the first day of the event the pianos will be exhibited at the Read More

Larnaca staying active with free events in August

Whilst many locals choose to disappear in August to enjoy their summer holidays out of the town, those staying put can still enjoy a variety of free sporting and cultural events taking place in the Larnaca region for the rest of this month.Beach volleyball tournamentThe ‘International Police Association – Larnaca Region’ branch is organising the ‘4th I.P.A Larnaca Region Beach Volley Mania’ tournament, open to all.The tournament – being held under the aegis of Larnaca Municipality Read More

Celebrity British baker Paul Hollywood was in Paphos recently to film a segment of his upcoming TV show A Bakers Life

Celebrity British baker Paul Hollywood was in Paphos recently to film a segment of his upcoming TV show ‘A Baker’s Life’.The star spent July 26 to August 1 in Cyprus, making his first stop at Paphos’ Annabelle Hotel where he had in the past spent five years as head baker, between 1994 and 1999.‘The Great British Bake Off’ judge, 51, will be telling his life story through the new five-episode show.Merseyside – native Hollywood began his career Read More

Trendy bars in Paphos

Long gone are the days when Paphos was known solely for its downtown club and pub-dense Bar Street. From clubbing to a quiet drink with friends, today the region boasts a satisfying choice of classy, trendy and arty spots to pass an evening. If you don’t yet have a favourite, you soon will.Technopolis2018 Nikolaou Nikolaidis Avenue, Paphos. Phone: 7000 2420Even before the European Culture Capital Pafos2017 launched, the Technopolis20 Culture Centre in Ktima was offering a rich programme of Read More

Turtles hatching at Lara beach outside Paphos

Stunning photographs have been caught by the lens of Phileleftheros photojournalist Yiannis Nisiotis on a day trip to Lara beach near Akamas in the Paphos district.A dedicated turtle conservation and reproduction team oversaw turtle hatchlings make their way into the waves.  The eggs of the Loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta-caretta) hatch approximately seven weeks after they are laid in the sand. Read More

Bar Review Avalon Live Larnaca

This review takes us back to an area which is home to a number of small bars hidden between its narrow streets. Setting up shop in an area that already contained famous rock-themed bars like Savino and Stone Age, which have become part of the town’s fabric, looked a risk but it looks like Avalon Live has embedded itself well in Larnaca’s Laiki Yitonia.Avalon started out as something between a rock and a sports bar but had far more Read More

Exploring the richness of Cyprus

Cyprus truly is one of the most diverse places on planet earth, and island with indigenous species and has one of the most unique histories.  Whether your interest is in architecture, archaeology, nature, culinary exploration or general fun in the sun, Cyprus has it all.Many with the Cypriot community see Cyprus as a beach holiday destination, some visit relatives and spend time with loved ones. However, even though they may travel to different parts of the island, they Read More

SeeFest Cinema on the Beach Paphos

SeeFest – Cinema on the BeachMunicipal Beach SODAP 9, 17, 23, 30 August 2017, 20:30For the 4th consecutive year, SeeFest organises screenings and invites locals, foreigners, and visitors of the town to share a cinematic experience under the stars and next to the waves. For 2017 the four films that are proposed combine deep human stories with humour and adventures, connecting and creating conditions of communication through the great power of the Cinema.Free Entrance Wednesday 9 August 2017, 20:30Their Finest Read More


Salt Lake - (From Wikipedia)A popular sight in Larnaca, Salt Lake is home to nearly 85 species of migratory water birds like flamingos.About 10,000 flamingos visit the lake every year around Jan-Feb. In July-Aug, the lake dries up leaving a thick crust of salt measuring up to 10cm deep. In the Middle Ages, the lake was used to mine salt for commercial purposes, but now it is just a tourist attraction. Situated nearby the Salt Lake is the holy Read More

Rocking for a good cause

Popular Greek singer Panos Mouzourakis will be on his way to entertain us on Saturday at Trinity Beach in Protaras in aid of the Cyprus Red Cross.The Greek actor and singer, who was born in Switzerland, is known for his unique way of talking, expressing himself and overall being out of the ordinary. He has a very funny side that he brings to all his performances and he has his way of making the audience feel right at home. Read More

July in Cyprus was the hottest for 30 years

Average maximum temperatures in July were the hottest recorded in Cyprus for more than 30 years.According to an official announcement on Wednesday:  “In July 2017 extremely high temperatures were recorded all over Cyprus.”“Specifically, the mean provisional daily maximum temperatures of Nicosia, Prodromos, Paphos, Larnaca and Paralimni are a record of high temperatures of July and rank July 2017 as the hottest for at least the last 30 years,” it added.Temperatures in July reached a high of 45°C Read More

Take responsibility to keep Cyprus clean

A couple of weekends ago, a big party was organised on Phinikoudes beach. The organisers secured the permits from the municipality and held the event until the early hours of the morning, with a DJ and lots of drinking and dancing.The next morning, photos appeared on social media, showing the beach covered in litter.There was quickly an outpouring of public outrage regarding the way the organisers had left the beach, with many jumping in to insult them and Read More

Beach ashtray drive a smoking success

An initiative encouraging Larnaca seaside smokers to be more responsible with their cigarette butts has been declared a resounding success with over 16,000 stubs collected in just one month.The Larnaca Tourism Board announced this initiative’s resounding success this week, thanking its partners in the effort the Eco-Ashtray initiative and FAR Fusion Asset Recovery.The aim behind the innovative move is to combat the pollution caused by cigarette butts which litter the district’s many beaches by offering smokers at some Read More

Portokali Restaurant Larnaca

The Piale Pasha road between Phinikoudes and Mackenzy Beach which, being sandwiched between Larnaca’s two busiest areas, continues to be a hotbed for reliable restaurants and taverns of various styles.Given the location, literally just a stone’s throw away from the sea and a prime fishing location, the overwhelming majority of establishments in the area tend to be fish taverns, so this time I opted to try a restaurant with slightly more variation.Portokali restaurant is just at the start Read More

Fire safety week ends with games in Larnaca

The fire safety awareness week culminates on Sunday with a fun event in Larnaca in which firefighters from Cyprus and Greece will take part.The event on April 30 from 10am to 1pm at the Phinikoudes beach in Larnaca includes firefighting competitions which the public will have the opportunity to watch.At the same time, the audience will be informed about fire safety by members of both fire services.The event is also aimed at children who can participate in Read More

Old meets new in the world of traditional crafts

It’s the old and the new in a delightful amalgamation of the most ancient of crafts and the most modern of arts. Known as Craft Stories, it’s set to present the stories of yesteryear in the format of the ninth art, and aims to preserve, engage and revive much of what makes Cyprus unique: our traditional crafts…A PhD project initiated by Christina Skarpari, who is studying Socially Engaged Communication Design at Central St Martins, Craft Stories attempts to present the Read More

Peace2Peace in Moutallos

An open call is inviting women to become involved in a Peace2Peace crochet project which will see them decorate stones to be placed in a new public garden in Moutallos in Paphos.  Peace2Peace was formed by three women – Greek Cypriots, Christiana Mouzouri, Elena Daniel and Turkish Cypriot, Nilgun Akin. Members hand crochet hundreds of pieces which are joined together to form open air art installations.For their first project in August 2016, they decorated an anchor at Paphos harbour, Read More

Adopt a family for Easter Campaign

The Pancyprian Volunteerism Coordinative Council (PVCC) announced on Wednesday the launch of its ‘Adopt a family for Easter’ campaign.The campaign – that aims to collect foodstuff for needy families ahead of Easter- is running for the third year in the row.  Last year, 1,200 families were helped by private individuals and organisations, an announcement said.Interested parties are urged to offer necessary items for the Easter table – foodstuff, Easter eggs, candles, and sweets for children. No clothing Read More

Restaurant Review : To Kafe Tis Chrysanthis Larnaca

Finding reliable food, good service and a pleasant atmosphere does not necessarily mean picking a fancy restaurant and paying over the odds anymore in Larnaca, with a select few establishments showing that attention to detail and doing the basics right can result in long-term success.If you live in Larnaca, you have either walked past this small café and not have even noticed it, or you are an avid fan who visits just about every week. Situated on the corner Read More

Paphos gears up for Cyprus Marathon

In less than two weeks thousands of runners will line up in Paphos to participate in what promises to be the largest Cyprus marathon event to date.Now in its 19th year, the Logicom Cyprus Marathon will be held on Sunday March 5, and will see around 2,000 runners take part in the four events: the Logicom Cyprus marathon, the half marathon, the 10km road race and the 5km fun run.The event traditionally attracts amateur runners from all over Read More

Paphos parties as Carnival Queen celebrates culture

The festivities get underway on Thursday, February 16, traditionally starting with the grand entrance of the ‘King of the carnival’, but this year it will be a ‘Queen of the carnival’, signaling the start of ten days of celebrations.So far, around 60 teams and floats have signed up for the main carnival parade on Saturday, February 25, with more to follow, said a spokesman for the Paphos municipality cultural department.“People can still register to participate in the coming Read More

Time for Carnival

The Limassol Carnival is the oldest and most popular folk festival in Limassol. This year, from February 16-26, the streets of Limassol will become a blaze of colour and craziness.This year 116 participating groups are preparing feverishly with organisers, enthusiastic to surpass the record number of 2016. The 2017 list of groups and contacts can be found on the website All About Limassol.The ambience in Limassol during the carnival season is best captured in a 1976 article: “During Read More

Scuba Diving in Larnaca

Scuba DivingBlessed with all the elements that make a diver’s paradise, Larnaka attracts visitors from all over the world for its favourable weather conditions, top-ranking wrecks and diverse marine life. And with warm waters that range from 16-27 degrees almost all-year-round, the island as a whole enjoys one of the longest diving seasons in the Mediterranean, further enhanced by fantastic visibility - thanks to an absence of plankton. Whether you are an experienced diver or trying the sport for the Read More

Weddings and Honeymoons

Cyprus is one of Europe’s leading destinations for weddings, blessings and honeymoons, and is famed for its wonderful climate, beautiful scenery and myriad of options for venues, ceremonies and celebrations. From sundrenched vows and sacred ceremonies to newlywed adventures, Aphrodite’s island is love personified.There are so many reasons why Cyprus wins the heart of couples wishing to marry abroad, including:-  Short flying time from all European countries.-  Significantly lower costs compared to marrying in other countries.-  Simple Read More

Guru Cafe Larnaca

The new flair of the Guru Bar chain arrived last year on Finikoudes, only a short walking distance from the sea. In the mornings, you will be drawn in by the ambience which gives a modern ethnic tone, white and blue, as well as the irresistible aroma of Guru coffee blend. Selected coffee beans from Central and South America go through a rigorous process in Italy before ending in your cup. Up until noon time, you can order a “stack” Read More

Five Great Projects to Liven up your Home

Homes need constant refreshments and updates, and in many cases making the right decision can be tough. You as a homeowner have probably thought about ways to liven up your home. Making small improvements to your home will make it more enjoyable to live in, give it a fresher look, and also if you at any time decide to sell it, will increase its value. Here are some great projects that will help you achieve a new and better atmosphere Read More

Want a Restfull Retirement in Cyprus

Active expats with a competitive edge won’t be disappointed when they move to this sports mad island – you can even go skiing, honest! (And you thought your retirement was going to be restful…) Cyprus offers sports enthusiasts plenty of opportunity to get their fix of physical activities throughout the year, thanks to the warm climate – bar the odd winter storm. Whether it’s tennis, golf, football or a visit to the gym, something leisurely or fast-paced, there’s plenty to pick Read More


If you go to the website of the European Capital of Culture Pafos2017, you will get the gist of just how big and important the honour is for Paphos and for the Cyprus cultural scene as a whole.  So, if you live in Paphos, put on your seatbelts on because it is going to be a very exciting cultural ride, and if you live in other cities, plan to go to the city where Aphrodite was born and take part Read More

New Municipal Market in Ermou Street Larnaca

The works for the construction of the new Municipal Market will start soon and will last 18 months! Its location will be on the current public parking of Ermou Street (Saturday market).The ground floor of 2.000 sqm will have 11 open air round-shaped shops which will accommodate a total of 20 kiosks, restrooms and other public facilities. The mid-floor will accommodate 4 restaurants, a small gallery and an exhibition space.On the roof, local plants and herbs shall Read More

Bar Review: Dstrkt Larnaca

In the days of yore it was the Phinikoudes strip in Larnaca that locals used to flock to for either a morning coffee or an evening drink, but those days seem long gone.The Makenzie area now takes centre stage from spring right through to December but other pockets of town are fast becoming the new focal points during the remainder of the year. One of those to have seen a huge rise in cafés and bars is the square Read More
Head Office Protaras:
Larnaca Office:
Paphos Office: